Chapter 5

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The sound of the bell signalled the students to get to their next class.

*Chi's POV*

"Hey, Chi, BonBon. Shouldn't we be going to our next class?" Mangle asked.

"Mangle, we get to stay here until lunchtime." Bonbon and I said in unison.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Heh heh." Mangle said nervously.

"Guys, we can easily memorize these lines. So why don't we talk about something else, that is not related to any school work." BonBon suggested.

"Well, we can talk about the new latest ship I saw on the School's Facebook page," I said.

"Cool! What's the ship name? And who posted it?" Bonbon asked.

"Freddy posted it, the ship name is Fangle or Moxy, whichever one you prefer," I said.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Mangle exclaimed.

"What's the fuss about Mangle?" BonBon said.

"It's a Mangle x Foxy ship. And it already has over one thousand likes. It's the most popular ship in school now. Chica even commented on the post!" I exclaimed.

"What did she say?" Bonbon asked.

"Does it even matter? I mean, I know she hates me, but I doubt she wouldn't go further than that." Mangle said.

"She says, If Mangle ever gets with my Foxy! I'll cut all her hair off while she's sleeping! Or even kill her! If you're reading this Mangle, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! Oh my god! Is she really serious right now?" I said confused.

"Wow, she has just gone full Yandere over Foxy." Bonbon said.

"I know right? Can you believe it? Her comment even has over one hundred replies!" I exclaimed.

"What did they say?" Mangle asked.

"The majority of them said Chica is a Psychopath, Psychotic and Yandere. I mean, everyone knows she's the mean girl in school but-" I was caught off guard when Chica put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey! Chi! Were you talking about me? I hope they are only the good things and remember! No gossiping about me, unless you want everyone to know... you know what!" Chica said sarcastically.

"Um yeah, Chica! Only the good things! Because You're my best friend! Heh heh." I said nervously.

"Oh really? But by the way, you said it. You're not lying to me!" Chica said. Makes sense, she has terrible EQ, the only thing she's good at is bullying people and Academics. Sort of. And nagging her parents to always get what she wants, since she is rich. Sort of. And a big spoiled brat! Unlike me. I wish I could get my normal life back, BUT NO! Chica took everything away from me, and I will get my old life back!

"Yup! Why would I ever lie to my best friend! Right?" I said nervously.

"Good! And you better! By the way, Mangle you better watch out! But. I doubt that you won't let your guard down around me. You to Bonbon! Don't think I didn't forget about you! You better stay away from Bonnie!" Chica snapped.

"But we're just classmates! Besides! He's such a playboy! Do you really think that I would EVER like him!" Bonbon countered.

"Whatever! Besides the fact that you and he had your first kisses together when you were younger!" Chica said bluntly. Oh, she is so dead! How dare she insult my best friend?!?! Mangle was just stunned by how she said it. Does Chica like Bonnie and Foxy? Or am I just hallucinating? I don't know, and I will never know.

FNAF High: Freshman YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora