Words from the Author

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Dear Wonderful Readers,

      I can't believe we have arrived here, at the end of My Love's Regret. This story has most likely been the greatest but most frustrating project I've ever given myself. I've written other fan fictions on Wattpad before...But the cringe is to real to ever mention again. Aside from that, I wanted to use this last little bit of your time here to thank you all.

      I originally began My Love's Regret with the intention of it being a one-shot. But after talking with my friends, I decided to make it a full fan fiction. I started this story back in the fall of last year, in October. Every little read it got made me so happy, and every comment from each one of you filled my heart with joy after I might have had a bad day.

      So thank you all so much for getting this story to over 1000 reads; but an even bigger thank you to sticking with it even when I had a mini-hiatus from this story. I don't respond to comments anymore, although that's something I may change in the future. But I see every single one of your guys comments and see how much you've enjoyed the adventures of Suzy and Taehyung. It's been a blast writing it.

     As for the chance of a sequel or any special chapters, that is probably going to remain unlikely until another point in time. When I went on a hiatus from this book, I had begun to prepare other little surprises for my readers. I wish I could tag you all here, but you know who you are my dedicated readers and commenters. I love you all so very much and thank you for your support you've shown me and this book.

     To show just how grateful I am, questions may be commented (on this post only) that have to do with My Love's Regret. You can ask about the book or what it took to create it. That means questions about the characters or parts you felt were not clear. You can even ask about any original ideas I may have had. Trust me, this story underwent many plot changes. Some plot changes might even involve some of the main protagonists and antagonists I wrote.

     But enough of all that, sorry if I wrote too much in this, hehe. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! I look forward to any questions you may have for me. Until then, I'll continue to read some of your guys own stories. I've had a busy year, but I did read one that was super awesome. Any who, I guess I'll leave now...Or will I...? Hehe.

       Sincerely, Riverdale14Kpop

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