Lost and Young Forever

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"Taehyung! Open this door right now!"

"I told you to leave me alone! You, of all people, are the last person I want to speak to!"

"Taehyung you need to talk to us. You can't keep yourself secluded in your room. This is not the way to cope——"

"I don't appreciate you trying to counsel me right now! Just go and have your rendezvous' like you usually do!"

"Taehyung! Kim Taehyung!"

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I woke up to an impatient Jimin shaking me awake.

"Ah, What?!" I yell in annoyance, turning over in my bed away from him. I threw my pillow over my head to block out his yelling.

"Taehyung have you forgotten?! You, Jungkook, and I all have our preparation meetings at the company today!" Jimin reminds me, pulling the pillow off my head.

I roll over in my bed to glare at him. "What's. Your. Point?" I exclaim through gritted teeth. Jimin crosses his arms and smirks at me.

"The meetings in an hour." Oh crap. I jump out of my bed, pushing past the laughing Jimin. I hastily open up the bedroom door in my sprint, bolting to the bathroom. Unfortunately, Jungkook beat me to it. I was left banging my fist on the bathroom door and yelling at him to hurry up.

"Be patient, please!" The muffled voice of Jungkook yelled from inside the bathroom. I sighed in exasperation, running back into my bedroom. Screw hygiene, I could go one day without brushing my teeth!

Fifteen minutes later, Jungkook, Jimin, and I were all being driven by our manager to Big Hit. Jungkook sat in the passenger seat while Jimin and I occupied the second row of the car. We were watching the Inkigayo livestream of Red Velvet's recent comeback on my phone.

"They haven't had a Velvet concept comeback in a while." Jimin comments as he reaches over and turns up the volume a little more. I nod in agreement.

"Peek-a-Boo is a great title track. But it hasn't gotten any wins." I say, frowning slightly. I'd heard today was their last day of promotions. They were nominated for a #1 win against Naul and MeloMance. "We'll have to see who wins."

"Their Red concepts get more recognition than not." Jimin says as the performance ends. "But I think they have a chance of winning today."

"The chorus is quite catchy after all." Jungkook says from the passenger seat, turning around to smile happily at the two of us.

"Boys, we're here." Our manager says as we pull into the garage underneath Big Hit. Once he'd parked the car, we file out and head to the elevator. We ride up to the entrance, greeting all the staff we pass.

"You have a few minutes before the meeting." Our manager informs us as he opens the door to the conference room. "Wait here and the others will arrive soon."

The three of us all slide into the rolling chairs at one side of the table. Jungkook and Jimin both immediately went onto their phones. I took out my portfolio from my knapsack and set it down on the table. It peeked the interest of Jungkook.

"What's that?" He asked me curiosity, pointing to the portfolio.

"My file of lyrics I thought of over our time off." I tell him, smiling slightly as I spun around in my rolling chair. "I couldn't make them into a song, because they describe too many different themes."

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