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"Choi Jin-ri you are supposed to get married to Park Jinyoung in ten minutes; this isn't the time to get cold feet!" Suzy scolds her friend, who was currently nervously pacing back and forth in the Brides waiting room with jitters.

The day was March 15th, the day of Jinyoung and Sulli's wedding. The had chosen a chapel only a short walk from the resort on the beach to get wed in. It was currently three in the afternoon, and the ceremony would be starting soon. All the while, Sulli had begun to have second thoughts about wanting to get married.

"I just don't know if I'm ready yet Suzy." Sulli says nervously, gripping her friend by the arms tightly. "Marriage is a big commitment, and I'm still young! I want to see the world, travel, and eat freely!" Sulli was freaking out badly.

"Sulli." Suzy sits her friend down in a chair, squatting down next to her. "You will still be able to do all those things. But this time, you'll have someone you truly cherish to do it with."

"But what if I never see you again?!" Sulli says aloud, covering her mouth in shock as she roughly shakes Suzy. "You have been my best friend for eight years, you can't leave me now!"

Mentally, Suzy was dying at the overreacting of her friend. But she had gone through the same thing with her sister. Having seen the phase of Bridezilla, this was the next step. As long as she kept her mind distracted, the ceremony could proceed with graceful would hope so.

"Sulli..." Suzy gently hoists her friend out of her seat, being careful to not step on her wedding dress. "Follow me." She leads her to the mirror placed on the wall. "Do you know what I see?"

"I don't understand your analogy." Sulli says bluntly, looking at Suzy with a confused face as they stood in front of the mirror. Oh dear.

"It hasn't even begun so shut up and listen."

"Alright. I see two girls, best friends."

"Mmhm." Suzy says, back hugging her friend. "Two friends who have been on similar paths for eight years. Adventures, parties, and even college. Two people who've never been apart, even when the other was in a relationship."

Suzy stops hugging Sulli to stand in front of her, smiling at her friend. "One of us is about to embark on a whole new journey." Suzy says. "But that doesn't mean I won't be there for you when you need it. Today is your big day Sulli, and you are going to remember it forever."

"Suzy..." Sulli was on the verge of tears. She pulls her friend into a hug. "If I cry now then my make up will be runny before I'm married!"

"Then push back those tears my friend." Suzy instructs her, adjusting her wedding veil. "Your dad will be in in a few minutes, so I'm going to give you some time to yourself now." She says.

"Alright." Sulli says, smiling. She gives Suzy a final hug before she leaves the waiting room. Shutting the door behind her, Suzy intakes a sharp breathe before wiping away a few tears that had managed to fall onto her cheeks.

She had always wanted to see Sulli get married.

"You alright?" A new voice asks, seemingly out of nowhere. Suzy jumps in surprise, turning to see Taehyung casually leaning against the wall by the door. "Usually the bride tears up."

"They're tears of happiness." Suzy says quickly, smoothing down her own dress. She'd chosen a black minidress that had a see-through collar and sleeves with black polka dots. Taehyung was wearing a navy blue suit and white Oxford.

"Come on then." Taehyung holds out his arm as Suzy links hers with his. "The flower girls have already started entering. It's our turn."

The two of them make their way down the chapel hall towards the main room. One of the staff saw them coming, and once they arrived, opened the door for them to enter. As best man and maid of honor, they would walk in before Sulli, though Jinyoung was already at the altar.

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