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In the end, BTS' comeback was pushed back. Their manager had seen how mentally and physically exhausted the boys were, although he did not know why. Considering BTS had already made two comebacks that year and their tour; they had been working nonstop. A month was too short of a break for them. They would comeback the following year in March. Until then, they would continue to sporadically promote Love Yourself: Her on all end-of the year music broadcasts and concerts.

The seven months until their next comeback would be recovery time for Taehyung. The first few months of their break he shut himself up in his room. Namjoon was his roommate, but he roomed with Jungkook until he felt it was safe to return to his room. All of the members tried to coerce him out of his solitude, but they knew it would be of no use. If they wanted Taehyung to get back to himself, they would have to let him mend his heart in his own personal way.

There were only two members who could manage to make their way into Taehyung's misery: Yoongi and Jimin. The latter was still annoyed at Taehyung for his comment about his personal life; but he was still one of his best friends. Jimin had seen how badly Suzy first breaking up with Taehyung had affected him. But the fact that Taehyung was the one to break it off permanently made it worse on him.

When he comforted Taehyung, it wasn't through words of sorrow or useless advice about moving on. Taehyung had noticed that whenever Jimin forced himself into his room, it was to join him in whatever activity he was doing. Whether that was blankly watching a YouTube video or playing a card game with himself; Jimin would just add himself to his activity. Taehyung appreciated the effort of him trying to make things less awkward then they already had been between them.

But as the months into their hiatus went by, the other members were assigned individual activities by Band PD. With the exception of Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung; the other members would occasionally guest on variety shows. Taehyung was not up to par and ready to do so, which caused Bang PD to clear his schedule until further notice.

In the time frame that Taehyung was alone; he didn't do much that required overexertion of his body. He felt weak compared to the beginning of summer, he didn't want to move. As the days dragged on though, he felt he had lost his mind in all the sleeping he'd done. If he had to do something, anything, the least he could do was write out his thoughts.

He had an old journal that he had received as a gift from a fan. Taking that and a standard number two pencil, Taehyung would spend hours upon hours writing in his journal. Sometimes his thoughts would range from his current emotions from ones in his past. His simple thoughts soon turned into poetry. Sonnets, ballads, free verse. But those poems would eventually morph themselves into lyrics.

That became Taehyung's form of therapy. Everyday when he woke up until when he went to sleep, he would write his song lyrics. They didn't just stem from his current emotions anymore; the lyrics covered ranges of feelings he'd felt in the last year. His fellow members noticed the change in his demeanor. Even though he still kept himself shut up in his room; at least he was no longer just staring off into space. The members left him own his to cope as he wished with his writing.

As BTS' vacation started to near a few months to its end; they began to prepare for their next comeback. Taehyung had hardly stepped out of the dorm in the last few months except to get some much needed sunlight. But when he and the others went to Big Hit to learn the choreography of their new title track; Taehyung cane with a journal full of potential album side-tracks.

Half of their new album had already been recorded, including the title track. Four songs were still in their recording process, and one sound had yet to be produced. Taehyung knew this was a chance of his. When he caught the producers of their latest album after the album meeting, he took his chance.

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