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My surroundings were unfamiliar to me when I woke up. I was looking up at a sterile white ceiling. I didn't sit up, but let me eyes roam around the room I was in. The walls were white, the door was white, everything was white and blank.

That creep of a poor excuse of an idol's apartment was all white...Don't tell me I hadn't made it! I felt my blood pressure rising and I started to have trouble breathing. I suddenly heard a loud and persistent beeping sound in the room I was occupying. The door to the room slammed upon and I shot up in my seat in fear. But it wasn't Chang-ho, it was a nurse.

She quickly ran over to where I was lying on the bed and inserted a liquid into my arm with a needle. A sense of calm overcame me and I layed back down on my pillow. I was in a hospital room, I was safe.

"How're you feeling?" The nurse asked me once I had seemed to calm down. I nodded my head up and down in an indication I was fine now. "That's good. I'll go fetch the doctor and he can explain what's happened."

"Doctor..." I say quietly, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Your family just arrived. I'll let them come in since you've woken up." The nurse tells me before she left the room. My family...? A moment later my hospital room door slammed back open and my parents and Sister rushed inside.

Before I even had a chance to speak, I was enveloped in a hug by all of them, even Sohee. I had to rapidly smack their backs so they'd let me breathe. My mom sat down next to me on my hospital bed. My dad stayed standing up and rubbing my back lovingly. Sohee scooted a chair up near my bed at a safe but close range.

"How long was I asleep...for?" I ask weakly, holding my head in pain. I had a deadly migraine and my vision was a bit fuzzy.

"Three days." My mother said softly, gripping my hand worriedly. "Suzy we were all so scared." I didn't know what to explain...I didn't know what they knew. I opened my mouth to say something before the door opened once more, revealing the same nurse with a doctor.

"Miss Bae Suji?" He says, smiling softly. He had black hair with hints of gray and an eye smile. "We're glad to see you've woken up."

"Doctor, could you quite possibly tell us what happened to my daughter now?" My dad asked him, his voice showed he was holding back anger. I guess my parents didn't know what happened.

"First I need to ask her a few questions." The doctor said, turning towards me. "Do you feel you're up to answer them?" He asked me, I nodded slowly.


"What is the first thing you remember before you blacked out three days ago?" He asked. The image of Sohee and...Someone else popped into my head.

"My sister." I say shortly, glancing over at Sohee. Her head was in her hands, I couldn't see her face.

"Do you remember what you did before you encountered your sister?" The doctor asked me, a breath hitched in my throat.

This would be the time to tell them about Chang-Ho and his attempt to...I shuddered at the memory. I needed to say something, I needed to say the truth. But something was holding me back, something bad.

"I was at a bar." I lie. "I had a few drinks, that's all I can remember." The doctor nods along knowingly. I notice Sohee lift her head to look at me before, she turned to the doctor.

"Enough questions, what happened to Suzy?" She said bluntly. Something about her attitude startled not only me, but the doctor.

"W-Well...." He stutters, clearing his throat. "It appears when she was at the bar, someone spiked her drink with Rohypnol. It's a very powerful drug that can put someone to sleep for 30 minutes or up to many hours or so."

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