Court of Love

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January 27th: The second week of my trial against Chang-ho. It had taken the police over a month to gather all the evidence I presented against him. When they did, the day of the trial was scheduled and began January 17th. But it kept having to be redone, because it was hard to find a jury who weren't fans of me or him.

My lawyer drove me everyday to the trial, his name was Park Hyunbin. Everyday when the trial had to be redone, he had put up the same defense for me to win, getting stronger each day. If the trial did not reach a consensus soon, we would have to move up to the next branch.

"Don't worry Miss Bae." Hyunbin reassures me as we arrive in front of the courthouse. "I know for sure, I will make sure he is jailed today."

"Thank you, Mr. Park." I tell him gratefully as he gets out of the car to hand the keys off to a valet Parker. The entirety of the front of the courthouse was surrounded by news reporters.

Hyunbin walked around the car, opening the door for me as the security guards blocked away the reporters. I didn't wear my sunglasses due to the weather, so the flashes were getting annoying. But I walked through it all as a variety of questions were hurled towards me?

"Suzy! Suzy! Tell me, please! How much are you suing Kyung Chang-ho for?!"

"Will you keep pursuing acting after your trials against Kyung Chang-ho has ended?!"

"What does your boyfriend think of the whole situation?? How does Kim Taehyung feel?!"

The last question was completely fabricated out of ridiculous rumors. When the picture of him and I at the hospital went viral, everyone was under the impression we were dating. And you know what was funny about it? They knew the other members of BTS' had visited. But they had to focus on the only moment captured.

"Just ignore them." I heard Hyunbin whisper to me under my breathe. Once we finally made it inside the courthouse, the security guard led us to wear the trial was taking place...

For the fourteenth damn day in a row.

The case was not resolved in the Petty Benches nor The Grand Bench. This meant that my case had reached the Supreme Court of Korea. I rarely heard of sexual harassment cases going this far into a court system. But if Chang-ho was under the impression that I was going to go easy on him, then he was gravely mistaken.

The court room, which had previously been abuzz with gossip, fell silent upon my entrance. The Chief Justice & his Justices, Chang-ho & his lawyer, witnesses, they were all present. I had arrived right on time for the trial to begin.

Hyunbin and I sat down at the table across from Chang-ho and his lawyer. Not a moment after we sat down, everyone in the court stood up and saluted the Korean flag. When the audience sat, those of us at the table bowed at the Justices. Sitting down, they began to speak.

"We gather here to continue the trial between Bae Suji and Kyung Chang-ho." One of the justices begins. "Kyung Chang-ho." He stands. "You are accused of sexual harassing Bae Suji three times over a course of five years. How do you plead." The Justice asks him seriously.

"Not guilty." His lawyer speaks for him. The Justice nods as an indication they should sit back down. He focuses his attention on me.

"Bae Suji." I stand up. "You are being accused by Kyung Chang-ho for defamation and the purpose of trying to damage his career." The judge was reading from a card provided by the opposite side. "How do you plead?"

"Not guilty." I say before Hyunbin had the chance. The Justice nods before having us sit down. The crowd murmurs at my comment.

"We will bring forth the first witness." A new Justice speaks up. "Bae Sohee, older sister to Bae Suji, will you please stand." Sohee stands up from the benches and walks up to the stand.

My Love's RegretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz