☆ 𝟚 : a night by the fire

Start from the beginning

    'And you, Potter!'

    The group jumped into one of the black drawn carriages which didn't seem to be drawn by anything at all and continued their bickering until they reached the castle, walked through the doors, sat in the middle of the Gryffindor table and Hagrid opened up the doors to the Great Hall to allow the new first-years in.

    'Remember when we were that small and cute, Paws?' Sirius whispered to [y/n] as Carter, Jane was sorted into Hufflepuff.

    'I remember that being the case with me, not you.'


The sorting continued and eventually, each house had their extra students, Gryffindor gaining eleven new recruits. Dumbledore gave his annual welcome speech of not going into the Forbidden Forest (directed at the Marauders), not getting the halls dirty because Filch hated cleaning what he just cleaned (directed at the Marauders) and keeping up the reputation of houses and not losing too many house points (directed at the Marauders).

The glorious food appeared and immediately, everyone tucked in to the piles of mash, towers of Yorkshire puddings, jugs of gravy, stacks of meat and all the vegetables in the world.

After the feast, Lily joined the Marauders to inform James, Remus and [y/n] that they were to take the first-years up to Gryffindor Tower before everyone else got there.

'Let's go to the doors and call them forward,' Lily said before walking off to the end of the table, James following in her footsteps.

'We shall see you in a few,' [y/n] said to Sirius and Peter before dragging Remus behind her to join the Head Boy and Girl.

'First-years this way! First-years over here!' James and Lily called above the noise.

Remus and [y/n] joined in the calling after Lily told them, 'There should be six boys and five girls.'

'First-years follow us!' James shouted. 'Wait, you're a Hufflepuff, go over there. First-year Gryffindors over here!'

'Are we all here?' Lily asked as she gave a quick head-count. 'Indeed we are. Let's go everyone!'

James and Lily lead the way as Remus and [y/n] kept the rear end in check.

'Be sure to keep an eye out for the moving staircases,' Lily informed the group of excited first-years. 'And watch your step here you may have to hop a bit as the step is actually missing that's it brilliant! Now down here is the Transfiguration corridor but you don't need to worry about remembering where everything is yet because I'll distribute a map for each of you to keep for your first few weeks here so that you get used to the castle without getting lost.

'Just a few more staircases to go and we'll be there, don't you worry.'

Lily continued to give a guided tour to the Gryffindor common room until eventually, they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady.

'And this is our stop,' James announced.

'But where's the common room? The dormitories? The actual door to get in?' one of the brunet boys asked.

Living With the Marauders ⇢ Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now