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Hey yall, 

So i just wanted to talk to everyone about something. I have been doing a lot of thinking over the past few days, I feel that I need to let you know that I had come to a decision about this story. I had decided to end it after a few chapters. The more I thought about ending it, the more I felt bad about ending it. I don't want to end it but I know it has to end eventually. So here is what I decided, I will be posting 1 more chapter in this book and taking some time off and starting a sequal. I've got a few ideas for the new book that include watching the kids grow up and some exciting new journeys for one of the main characters!!! :) 

Please don't hate me for deciding this, I am really getting stuck on writing so I think taking a break will be good so I can build up some ideas as well as have some time to get some chapters written in advance so you guys don't have to wait. 

Thank you for supporting me through this crazy journey, I never thought my book would get this kind of response. I would be no where without any of you!! I love you guys so much, I'll talk to you soon!


Instagram, Twitter & YouTube: @hunterhayesvt

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Pinterest: eleanorlauzon

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