Paris: The City of Love

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Hunters POV

“Yes Sweetheart, we’re going to Paris for our Honeymoon.” I responded smiling. “I love you, thank you so much.” She said leaning over to hug me. “You’re welcome love, I love you too.” I said rubbing her back. “Get some sleep baby, you look tired.” I said to her stroking her cheek. Soon after that she as asleep. She looked so cute I had to take a picture, I posted it on Twitter “@hunterhayes: Poor girl is tired already. I can’t wait until we get to Paris so I can spend time with my wife!! Love you sweetheart! @eleanorhayes.” I decided after to that to get some sleep, it was going to be a long flight. 

Eleanor’s POV

I woke up and looked at the time, I had only been out for a few hours, we still had at least a good 8 hours to go. I opened up Twitter to see that I have a ton of mentions and follows, I find the culprit. Hunter, what did he post of my now. I looked and found the picture that he took of me sleeping. I looked over at him and he was sleeping, this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I took a pic of him and I the posted it with the caption “@eleanorhayes: Oh how the tables have turned. Payback sucks but I still love you, my husband @hunterhayes.” I sat and watched movies on my iPad waiting for sleeping beauty to wake up. Another few hours past before I felt him moving around next to me. He reached almost instinctively over and grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly, “Hey how long have you been up?” He asked me “A few hours now, I didn’t want to wake you.” I said. “Oh you should have, I wouldn’t have minded.” He said while sitting up and rubbing his eyes.” “Oh well, too late now.” I said playfully and kissed him on the cheek. “How much longer do we have?” He asked. “Ugh, too long.” I said leaning over onto his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around me. 

Hunters POV

We finally landed and got in a cab and checked into our hotel. It was about 10:30pm so once we got into our room, we showered and got into out pj’s. We both crawled into the massive bed and cuddled up together. Almost instantly we were both asleep. “Goodnight Mrs. Hayes, I love you.” The kissed her forehead gently because I didn’t want to wake her. I felt someone shifting next to me, I woke up and saw the sun streaming in through the window. Eleanor wasn’t in bed next to me, I got up and walked around the room and found her out on the balcony. I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder, “Hey love, what are you doing?” I asked her gently kissing her neck. “Just looking, we can see the Eiffel Tower from here.” She said pointing to it. “We’ll have to go there today I said. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck, “So Mr. Hayes, what are the plans of the day?” She asked me. “Well Mrs. Hayes, I thought we would do some sight seeing and maybe some shopping. Than I was thinking of taking my beautiful wife out for dinner.” I said kissing her. “How does that sound?” I asked. “Sounds perfect.” She responded. 

Eleanor’s POV

We both got ready and headed out. “So where to first?” I asked Hunter while looking at a map. Well let’s see, how about we go to The Arc de Triomphe first?” He suggested. “Okay sounds good to me.” I said. We took a few different pictures then had someone take a picture of us standing in front of it. Next we went to walk around the Luxembourg Gardens. After that we went to The Eiffel Tower, we again took a few pictures and had someone take a picture is us. We were getting hungry so we ate lunch at Le Jules Verne. I could tell Hunter was getting a little uneasy with the height so we went back down and explored some more. While we were walking we found The Rue Des Martyrs, It was filled with little bakeries high-end pastry shops, chocolatiers, gourmet cafés, and upscale boutiques. It was also over 200 years old! Of course we had to go to The Louvre to see the Mona Lisa. We walked around for a while longer, taking pictures and doing some shopping. But Hunter said it was time to head back to get ready for dinner. I wonder what he has planned. 

Hunters POV

We got back to our hotel and showered and got ready for dinner. I wore a pair of dress pants, a white button down shirt and for a change of pace, I wore a pair of dress shoes. I don’t really like wearing dress shoes because they are uncomfortable but I can do it one night for my girl, my wife. I smile every time I say that or think that. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Eleanor. “Babe, are you almost done?” I called out. “One second.” She called out. “1 mississippi.” I said then chuckled and I heard her say “Ha ha very funny love.” I heard the door open and looked up to see her wearing a plum colored short sleeve dress that went down to her knee, with black flats and her hair in a bun. She looked beautiful. “Do I look alright?” She asked me cautiously. “I stood up and walked towards her and took her face in my hands, “You look stunning.” I said then kissed her. I pulled back and said “Let’s go, our reservation is in half an hour.” We walked out the door and headed to our destination. We pulled up to the restaurant which was in a hotel. We walked in and the lady asked us the name for the reservation, “Hayes.” I responded. “Yes, right this way.” She said and lead us to a table in the back, it was dimly lit, and soft music playing. It was really romantic, just how I asked them to set it up. 

Eleanor’s POV

The room we were in for dinner was so romantic. There was candles around the room and it was secluded from the rest of the restaurant. “Hunter, did you do this?” I asked him. He looked up at me with a guilty grin then looked back down. “baby, you didn’t have to do this, I really don’t deser-.” Was all I got out before he reached across the table to grab my hand. “I just wanted to do something nice for my wife, is there something wrong with that?” He asked me while rubbing his thumb along my knuckles. “No I guess not, only if it makes you happy.” I said smiling. “Yes seeing you happy makes me happy, so this is all worth it and absolutely necessary.” He told me, grinning that adorable grin of his. We had a nice leisurely dinner complete with desert. We weren't ready to go back yet so we walked around the city hand in hand. Hunter found a coffee shop so of course he went in and got us both a coffee. It was 8:30 at night and he could still be craving coffee, but you gotta love him though. We walked around a little bit more and despite the coffee I was still tired. I tried to hide my yawning but Hunter saw it. “Are you tired?” He asked me putting his arm around my waist. “Maybe a little” I responded. “Okay, we’ll go back and get some sleep. We are here for 2 weeks. We have plenty of time to explore.”

Hunter’s POV

We got back to the hotel and changed into our pj’s, We both crawled into bed and I wrapped Eleanor in my arms and pulled her closer to me. “Thank you for everything, for being you, and for being amazing.” She said smiling. “Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me.” I said Then leaned in to kiss her passionately. Those 2 weeks just flew by, but now it’s time to head home to get back to the real world and get back to making music. We got off the plane and headed home, we fell asleep right when our heads hit the pillows. I heard my alarm going off telling me it was time to get up, I turned it off quickly so it didn’t wake Eleanor up. She needed her sleep, she has been feeling sick these past few days. I got ready then kissed her cheek before I left. 

Eleanor’s POV

I woke up feeling fine one second, then the next I was sick to my stomach. I got up and ran to the bathroom to throw-up. Man this is some weird stomach bug I have. The day went on and I would be fine and then sick and it went on. After about the 5th time I threw-up I started thinking. I realized I was late. Wait am I pregnant???...

Love Y’all!! 

Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & YouTube: @hunterhayesvt

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