Santa Came!!

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Eleanor's POV

"Hey, hey you." I heard, then felt someone rubbing their nose against mine to wake me up. "Mmmmm" I said then turned my head and buried it deeper into my pillow. "Excuse me missy but if you don't wake up now, you are going to be put on Santa's naughty list, and you don't want that." Hunter said rubbing my back. "5 more minutes baby." I groaned and snuggled deeper into the warmth of the comforter. "Sorry love, can't let that happen." He said turning me on my back and leaning the upper half of his body over mine and leaving light kiss all over my face. "Fine, I give up. You win!" I yelled and opened my eyes. He was looking at me grinning. "You just wait mister, you'll get yours." I said to him poking his chest. "I can't wait." He whispered then helped me out of bed and downstairs to the kitchen to start breakfast. The guys and their families were coming over to spend Christmas with us today. They came over and we exchanged gifts and spent time together, they were really like a second family to me.  We were staying in Nashville for Christmas and spending it with Hunter's parents this year. Shortly after everyone left we face timed my dad and brother. It was time for Natalie to leave cookies and milk out for Santa and get to bed. She was trying her hardest to stay up a little longer but here little body was fading fast. Hunter carried her upstairs and I followed slowly behind. I was starting to fill out so going up the stairs was getting a little difficult, I was quickly becoming out of breath doing the simplest things. Once we got to her room Hunter laid her down and tucked her in. "Goodnight sweetie." He whispered and kissed her forehead. I walked over and wished her goodnight then slowly made my way out, closing the door behind me. Hunter grabbed my hand and helped me back downstairs. We turned on the radio to listen to Christmas music while setting everything up, while drinking Hot Chocolate. While we were setting out the presents Hunter and I shared the cookies and milk. 

Hunters POV

I heard Elvis's version of "I'll be home for Christmas" start to play on the radio and I got an idea, I walked over to Eleanor and held my hand out. She looked at me confused, "What." She said still looking at me. "Dance with me." I whispered smiling. She blushed and put her hand into mine, I helped her up and wrapped one arm around her waist while holding her hand with my free one. She laid her head on my shoulder as we started to slowly sway back and forth to the music. She pulled her head up and looked at me, "You realize that the last time we slow danced together was at out wedding." She said to me. "Wow has it really been that long?" I asked. She nodded her head, "I really missed it." She said tearing up. "Oh baby don't cry." I said pulling her closer to me and rubbing her back. "I promise you, I will make time to dance with you." I said. She pulled her head away and whispered "Really." "Really." I replied leaning down to kiss her. Once I pulled away I said ."Now can you smile for me?" She blushed and turned her head away, but not before I saw her smile. "There's that smile that I fell in love with, that's my girl." I said kissing her cheek. She rested her head on my shoulder again and we finished dancing to the song. I pulled away slightly and whispered "I love you baby." "I love you too." She replied then kissed my nose. I brought her to bed and tucked her in, "Goodnight love." I said kissing her forehead then falling asleep. "Mommy, daddy wake up, Santa's been here." I heard a little voice yell then the bed started bouncing." I turned around in just enough time to see her bouncing dangerously close to Eleanor's stomach. "Nat be careful." I almost yelled then caught her and pulled her away. "I'm sorry." She said looking down and cowering away from me. "Oh sweetie." I said pulling her back into my lap and kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry but remember what I told you, we have to be very careful around mommy's belly." I said. She nodded her hear slowly looking at Eleanor who was yawning and starting to get up. "Can I feel the baby?" She asked quietly. "Yes, just be gentle." I said to her. She slowly crawled over to Eleanor and slowly moved her hand over to Eleanor's stomach, there wasn't really anything there yet because she was only about a couple month's along but there was something there. She leaned down and whispered "Hello in there, I'm your sister. I can't want to see you." She said then kissed the small baby bump. Once she sat back up Eleanor reached over and started tickling her. Nat giggled and Eleanor laughed having just as much fun as Nat was. after a few minutes I spoke up "Okay you two, are we just going to sit in bed all day or open some presents." Nat turned around and crawled towards me and jumped off the bed then started jumping up and down chanting "Pwesents." 

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