I'll Find a Way Back to You... Somehow.

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Hunters POV

Another few days had passed, I felt awful for doing that to Eleanor but I needed to keep her and our kids safe. I would give anything to be back with them right now, I need to find a way out of here. The door all of a sudden slammed open, Brittany walked in with an evil grin playing in her face. "What do you want now?" I asked while glaring at her. You know what I want." She said winking and walking closer to me. "Stay the hell away from me!" I yelled and tried to run to the other side of the room. "If you don't cooperate then you can say goodbye to your perfect little family. She walked closer and started kissing me, everything after that was a blur. 

Eleanor's POV

I was slowly starting to lose hope of Hunter coming back, I hadn't heard anything from him since he told me not to look for him and that we were over and neither had the police. They weren't even able to trace the phone call because it was to short. Hunters mom had practically moved in to help take care of the kids, every day Natalie asks me where daddy is. I hate lying to her but if she knew it would be so hard for her. I try to stay positive but it's hard not knowing where my other half is and if he is even okay. I decided to go for a walk to try to get my mind on something else. I was listening to the soothing voice of Hunter singing "Where we Left Off" when my phone started to ring. "Hello." I answered almost to anxiously. "Hi sweetheart, it's me." "Oh my god Hunter!" I yelled. "Where are you." I asked as I started to cry. "Oh baby please don't cry, I don't know where I am but I promise I am going to find a way back to you." He said and started to cry. "Hunter, are you okay?" I asked. "I just miss you so much." He said and started crying even harder. "Love I gotta go but I love you so much, I promise we'll be together again." He said whispering. "I love you to Hunter." I sobbed then heard some slamming then yelling coming from Hunters end of the phone. Then the line went dead. 

Hunters POV

Just as I was about to hang up with Eleanor Brittany barged into the room. "What do you think you are doing?" She yelled walking over and yanking the phone from my hand, ending the call in the process. "Nothing." I said quietly. "It doesn't look like nothing." She yelled then slapped me across the face. "How dare you lie to me, you are lucky I don't bring your family here and kill them in front of you." She yelled at me. "Don't you dare touch them!" I yelled. "As long as you listen to me I'll leave them alone, or else." She said then walked out slamming the door behind her. "I've gotta find a way out of here." I said then started crying. 

Eleanor's POV

I ran home as fast as I could, maybe just maybe this phone call lasted long enough that the police would be able to trace his phone. Once I got home I ran to Lynette "We need to go to the police station NOW" I said pulling her from the kitchen. "Wait honey why?" She said. "Because Hunter called me, he's still alive and hopefully they can trace his phone and find him." I said starting to cry tears of joy that my husband was still alive. We both ran out of the house leaving Leo with the kids, she drove as fast as she could. We both jogged in and found the detective working on Hunters case. "Well hello Mrs. Hayes, and Mrs. Hayes. I don't have any news about Hunter unfortunately." He said. "Detective, he called me and I'm hoping that you can trace it." I said holding my phone out to him. He grabbed it, "Okay we'll get right on this, I'll let you know on a few hours what we find out." He said. We went back home and waited, it was the longest 2 hours of my life. Finally our house phone rang. "Hello." I said picking it up before it finished the first ring. "Hello Mrs. Hayes, it's Detective... We've found Hunter, we are going to get him and bring him home to you." He said, I could tell he was smiling. "Oh my god, thank you so much." I said sobbing. We both hung up and Leo, Lynette and I joined together in a group hug. 

Hunters POV

I was sleeping the best I could until I heard faint sirens, I hadn't heard them since I had been here. I didn't think anything of it because how were they going to find me. I tried to go back to sleep until they kept getting louder and louder, I sat up and listened. They sounded really close. Then I heard a door burst open downstairs, then someone running up the stairs. The door to the room I was in flew in and Rebecca came running over to me, she got behind me and held a knife to my throat just as police officers filled the room. "Stay back, or I'll slit his throat." She yelled applying the slightest amount of pressure to the knife on my throat. I tried not to move because one wrong move and I'd be dead. "Ma'am put the knife down and step away from Mr. Hayes." One of the police officers said. "No he's mine, I won't let you take him from me." She said and started to cry. This went on for a while until they had to bring in a hostage negotiator. Even he couldn't calm her down, she started getting more anxious and fidgety until... 

Eleanor's POV

All we could do was sit and wait, no one would tell us anything. I felt so helpless, what if something went wrong. What if they didn't find him? My mind was filled with all sorts of what if's, none of them good. I couldn't take this, I had to do something. I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. I did what I always did when I was anxious and worried, I baked. I decided to bake some of Hunters favorite triple chocolate brownies for if he came home. No I need to stop thinking like that, he will be coming home. Once the brownies were done I took them out of the oven. "Eleanor you'd better come see this." Lynette yelled to me from the living room. I walked in and looked out the window to see a police SUV pull up. I walked out the door and stood on the porch watching. The detective got out of the front seat, then the back door opened. 

Hunters POV

We had pulled up to our house, after the detective got out I opened my door. As soon as I came into view Eleanor screamed and threw her hands over her mouth and started crying. "Hunter!" She yelled and started running over to me. I ran from where I was and met her halfway. I wrapped my arms around her in the tightest hug I've ever given her, she was sobbing by this point. "Don't worry baby, it's okay. I'm here now, I'm right here. I promise I won't ever leave you again." I said running my fingers through her heir and kissing her forehead. "I missed you so much Hunter." She cried into my chest. "I know baby I know, I kissed you too. To tell you the truth I never thought I'd see you again." I said and started crying at the thought. We walked in and greeted my family, my family. I love them so much! 

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