Little Sleep and Coffee Cups

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Hunters POV

I was laying in bed with Eleanor when I heard the sound of one of the twins crying, Eleanor groaned and pulled her head off my chest and started to get up. "No baby, you stay in bed, I'll get it." I said pulling her back down and tucking her in. I got up and groggily walked to the twins room, Josh was still sound asleep it was Bella who was crying. "It's okay Princess, daddy's here." I said cooing and picking her up, cradling her against my chest. I changed her diaper then held her and swayed back and forth singing to her. She yawned and her eyes slowly started to droop, after about 10 minutes she was asleep. I kissed her forehead and gently put her back in her crib. I checked on Josh and Nat before going back to bed, I crawled in and Pulled Eleanor close to me. She sighed a content sigh then started rubbing my chest, "I love you." She said still half asleep. "I love you too." I said kissing her forehead, kissing her forehead and rubbing her back to put her to sleep. I woke up and reached over but all I felt was a cold empty space, I got out of bed and walked into the hallway. I heard singing and I walked to the doorway of Bella and Josh's room, the door was slightly cracked open. I stood there and watched, Eleanor was feeding Josh and she was singing something in french. I didn't know much french so I couldn't quite figure out what it was. She finished and he was sound asleep, she put him in his crib and slowly walked out quietly shutting the door. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and she jumped a little then relaxed once I kissed her ear. "That was beautiful what you sang, what was it?" I whispered in her ear. She chuckled, "Thank you, it was twinkle twinkle little star. My mom used to sing it to me wham I was around Natalie's age." She said placing her hands on mine. "Let's go make some breakfast, you must be starving." I said waking her to the kitchen. "You have no idea." She told me and laughed. 

Eleanor's POV

Hunter and I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast, I walked to the fridge and opened it up. "Oh no you don't." Hunter said coming up behind me and pulling me away from the fridge and sitting me down on a stool at the counter. "What?" I asked confused. "You my dear are going to sit down while I make you breakfast." He said and pecked my lips. "Well that's no fun. I said pouting and crossing my arms over my chest and tried not to smile. "Well get used to it baby cakes." He said grinning and pulled out bacon and eggs. He put the bacon on the own and started to crack eggs into a bowl, He mixed them and poured them into the pan. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him cooking at the stove, I posted it on INstagram and Twitter. "@/eleanorhayes: My personal chef for the day, I hope his cooking is as good as his singing!! ;) Love you sweetheart! @/hunterhayes." He walked around the counter and put down a plate in front of me. It had crisped to perfection bacon and light and fluffy scrambled eggs. I looked up at him, "You made this?" I asked him in disbelief. "Don't act so surprised love, eat up you need your strength." He said and kissed my forehead then went to fix himself a plate. He came back over and sat next to me, he put down a freshly cooked, still warm blueberry muffin. "When did you cook this?" I asked looking at him. "Don't you worry." He said then took a bite of his eggs. I started eating and it was amazing. "This is delicious" I exclaimed with my mouth full of food. He chuckled and shook his head. A little while later we heard the pounding of little feet on the hardwood floor, soon Natalie appeared in the kitchen. She ran over to Hunter and climbed into his lap. She looked at our empty plates and said "Can I has some eggies?" I loved how she talked, its so adorable. "Sure pumpkin." Hunter said and started to get up, "No you sit down, I'll get it." I said rubbing his arm. I got out eggs and made some for Nat, I heard her and Hunter talking about random things. I looked over to them and Hunter was already looking at me, he winked and looked back down to Nat. I turned away and blushed. I don't think I'll ever stop blushing when he does subtle, cute things like that. 

Hunters POV

After Nat was finished eating Eleanor and I did the dishes, I was washing them and she was drying them and putting them away. Every so often I would brush my arm against hers or steal little kisses, she would blush. I love having that effect on her, she fed the twins then put them down for their nap. Nat also decided to take one as well, perfect. She came back downstairs and sat down on the couch, I sat next to her and started lightly kissing her neck. She brought her hand up and rested it on the back of my neck rubbing it lightly. "What are you doing sir?" She asked while smiling. "Nothing." I said against her neck, I started kissing up to behind her ear. She pulled away slightly "That tickles." She said giggling. I pulled away and kissed her lips, she deepened it and I started rubbing her sides. She quickly pulled away and moved away from me on the cough. "What's wrong, I didn't hurt you did I?" I asked her worriedly. "No no you didn't do anything I just don't want you to see me right now." She said in a quite voice. "Why?" I asked moving a little closer to her. "I don't like how I look, I'm so fat." She said then started crying. I closed the distance between us and pulled her into my arms, she sobbed into my chest while I ran my fingers through her hair and rocked us back and forth. "Shh baby you are not fat, you are absolutely beautiful. You just had two children, if anything you look more amazing then you did before." I said trying to sooth her insecurities. She just shook her head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tighter, "I fell in love with you just the way you are, you have flaws but who doesn't. It's your flaws that I fell in love with, they are what make you you, and they are what make you beautiful. I am so lucky to have the honor of calling you my wife, I still can't believe that out of all the guys in the world you let me call you mine." I said kissing the top of her head. She slowly looked up, eyes red form crying and tear stains on her cheeks. "Do you mean it?" She asked in a shaky voice. "Yes I do, I love you so much and I can't imagine living the rest of my life with anyone but you." I said wiping her tears away. She leaned up and kissed me with a passion so strong it took me by surprise, I reciprocated with pleasure. 

Eleanor's POV

Hunter was really getting into it until we heard the doorbell, he pulled away only enough so he could whisper "Maybe if we're really quite they'll go away." We waited a few seconds until we heard the doorbell again and a voice say "Hunter we know you are home, you car is out in the driveway." I chuckled, "It's your parents." We'll continue this later." He said kissing me then getting up to go to the door. I slapped his butt, he turned around and looked at me with a smirk. "What." I asked innocently. "I'll remember that." He said winking and opening the front door. I stood up and straightened myself out before walking to the door as well. "Hey momma how are you doing?" Lynette said walking away from Hunter and over to hug me. "Good, a little tired but good." I replied. "Now where are my two new grandchildren?" She asked excitedly. "They are napping but it's almost time to wake them up to feed them, come on you can come help." I said to her Just then we heard Natalie scream "Nana, Papa!" She started running down the stairs into their embraces. Lynette and I went up to the nursery, she grinned seeing them both sleeping peacefully. She went to Josh's crib and picked him up gently, I picked up Bella dan sat down in the rocking chair to feed her. While she was eating I looked over and Saw Lynette smiling at Josh, he had his hand tightly gripping her finger. Her and I traded babies so I could feed Josh, watching her with them I was in awe. She was so amazing with them, they didn't cry they actually looked happy with her. We brought them down and spent some time with each other, Lynette ended up making dinner for us. She wanted so badly to put them to bed and I wasn't going to object. Once they left Hunter and I laid down in bed, my head was rested on his chest and his arm was around me drawing designs on my lower back. "What are you thinking about?" He quietly asked me. "Seeing your mom with the twins today, I really hope I am half as good a mother as she is." I said. "Trust me love, you are an amazing mother. You are as good if not better then her. But don't tell her I said that." He said chuckling. "Your secrets safe with me." I whispered. "Goodnight Eleanor, I love you so so so much." He said kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight Hunter, I love you more then you'll ever know." I said then drifted off to sleep with my husband by my side. 

Love Y’all!! 

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