Mystery Girl

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Eleanor’s POV:

While my mom and I were inside looking at the State fair record winning largest pumpkin and new record winning longest gourd (yes you heard me right) I saw this really cute guy walking around with 5 other guys. They were all wearing hats and sunglasses, I was thinking that’s a little odd considering they were inside but to each his own right? Anyway I thought one of them looked really familiar but I could not put my finger on it. His smile looked like I’ve seen it hundreds of times and from what I could see from the little but of hair that was sticking out from underneath his black hat it was blonde. I got this insane idea that maybe it was Hunter Hayes, but I quickly got that thought because why would he want to walk around at our little fair, right? Once my mom decided she had had enough of inside we went out and went to the Maple house directly across from the Blue ribbon building we were in previously. We went in to get the signature maple creemee with maple syrup on top. Now before you judge it you need to try it, I’ll admit I was pretty hesitant to try it a few years ago but let me tell you it is AMAZING! They also have lots of other maple treats like fudge, cotton candy, maple covered popcorn, and homemade maple donuts. When we left there we went to Ronald McDonald’s farm which had miniature horses, baby chicks, and lots of other animals. I looked up and saw the same boy over by the hatching baby chicks, he happened to look up at me while I was absentmindedly staring at him and again he smiled. He still had his sunglasses on so I could not see his eyes but seeing him smile at me made me blush again. how does he do that? I don’t know him and I haven’t even seen his face and he has made me blush twice. I turned away because I didn’t want him to see me, but that caused my mom to ask me if I was alright, because my face was a little red. She is always worrying about me because I get heat exhaustion really quickly. I assured her that I was fine and that was the end of that. 

Hunter’s POV:

I saw her again when we were looking at the animals, I smiled again because I saw her looking at me and immediately she blushed and turned away from me. I wish I had the nerve to go up and talk to her but I am not that good with words especially when it comes to talking to girls, songs are more my thing. She looked about my age though so what’s my problem? After a while the guys had had enough of looking at all the animals and wanted to go play games and go on rides. We made our way over to that section of the fair grounds and surprisingly no one has noticed us yet, maybe I don’t have that many fans up here. I was kind of relieved. I mean I love my fans don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I just want to walk around like a normal person without having to sigh autographs or take pictures and just spend time with my friends. We played games for a while then went to the rides/ The guys unanimously decided they wanted to go on that boat ride that swings back and forth and goes really high. I decided to sit this one out because my feet are supposed to be on the ground and that is where they will stay. Once they were on it I looked around to my left and there she was, looking at the same ride I was. I decided that If I am going to talk to her there is no time like the present. I felt my feet start to move before I even knew what was happening. Before I knew it I had almost reached her so there was no going back now. Once I finally got to her she hadn’t noticed me yet, so I cleared my throat and....

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