Mr. & Mrs. Hayes

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Hunters POV

Today is the day, today is the day that I finally get to marry the love of my life. But I am nervous as heck, this is the best feeling of all though. I can't wait to be able to call Eleanor my wife. I am in my room in the hotel getting ready with the guys, sam is my best man and the rest of the guys are my groomsman. I was finishing putting on my black tux, with a red bow tie. All of the other guys had white bow ties and similar tux's. Once I was ready I sat down on the couch to just relax, I heard someone knock on the door and it was my dad. "Hey, how are you doing?" He asked me, sitting next to me and patting my knee. "I'm good, nervous, but ready." I said releasing a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. "That is normal, girls can do that to us sometimes. I was the same day when I married your mom. But you'll be fine." He assured me. "Thanks dad, I needed that." I said getting up to hug him.

Eleanor's POV

This is it, I am finally going to become Mrs. Hayes. I never thought in my wildest dreams that this would ever be happening. I remember when I was just like all the hayniacs, posting pictures on my fan page on Instagram, screaming when any of his songs came in the radio and so on. Now I am actually marrying him, this all seems to good to be true. It was time to get ready, my makeup was done naturally since Hunter doesn't really like it and frankly I didn't really feel like wearing much today. Then my hair was curled and then a small braid was put in on the side of my head then all of my hair was out into a messy yet classy bun. There were little diamond pearl clips put throughout my hair finishing it off. Then it was time to out my dress on. Hunter has been trying to sneak peeks and trying to get me to tell him what it looks like all week, but I am proud of myself because I have not caved. I really wanted to keep it a surprise for him. The dress had a sweetheart neckline and a red ribbon under the bust then flows out. It is so comfortable, also simple but not to simple. I decided to wear bright red converse because I hate heels, hunter didn't seem to object because then I would be taller then him. I stepped out into the main room if our hotel where my maid of honor (my cousin Michelle) was, as well as my bridesmaids and both Hunter and I's moms were. Everyone looked at me and stopped everything and just stared wide eyed. "Do I look alright?" I asked a little unsure because no one was saying anything. My mom walked over crying, she said "You look beautiful honey, I can't believe my little girl is getting married." Then she hugged me so tight I could feel myself stop breathing for a couple seconds. When she pulled away, Lynette was close behind. "I have a very beautiful daughter in law." She said shedding a few tears. "I'm so glad you and Hunter found each other." She said then kissed my cheek. We all sat around the room talking and just having a good time, my mom appointed herself photographer for the moment which I was glad of because I wanted pictures of this. Before we knew it there was a knock on the door and my dad stepped in, "It's time." He said with the bigger smile on his face that I've ever seen. We all got I to our places behind the door and waited. My dad looked over to me and said "are you nervous?" "Oh yah" I said trying to take deep breaths. "Hey listen to me, it's just Hunter. The other people in the room don't matter, this is about you and hunter, no one else. Just focus on him and everything will be okay." He said to calm me down." "Thank you daddy, I love you." I said to him, hugging him and kissing his cheek." "I love you too, now let's go get you married." I smiled and nodded. Slowly one by one the pairs walked up the isle, soon it was my turn. I gripped arms with my dad as I heard everyone get up and the familiar tune of wanted playing. Out song. The doors opened and I immediately locked eyes with the blue eyed blonde haired boy I fell in love with, he was trying to hold back tears with naturally made me want to cry. I just wanted to run to him because the wall down the isle was taking to long, but I kept calm and went along with tradition. 

Hunters POV

Once the doors opened, I was speechless. She looked beautiful, I mean she always does but now, WOW. I tried my hardest not to cry but I could feel the tears wanting to spill. I just wanted her to get down to me now but I just watched and took in this moment, because all too soon it would be over. After what seemed like forever she was finishing her walk down the isle to me. Her dad let go of her arm and hugged and kissed her, he turned to me and opened his arms for me to hug him. He whispered something in my ear that made me smile, "don't hurt my little girl, and welcome to the family Hunter." "I won't and thank you for letting me take care of your daughter." I whispered back. He pulled away and we both smiled, then he turned around and sat down. I turned to Eleanor and grabbed her hands and whispered "you look gorgeous" She blushed and thanked me. Before we knew it, it was time for our vows. I was up first. "Eleanor, I don't even know where to begin. 10 months ago my life changed when I met you in Vermont. I fell in love instantly and right away I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You have supported me in numerous ways and I can't even begin to thank you for that. I have been blessed so many ways in my life, but you are by far my biggest blessing and I love you with all my heart." I finished off by sliding the wedding band on her finger then kissing it, then I had to stop myself from crying. I noticed Eleanor was crying so I gently wiped her tears away. She was next. "Hunter you are the most amazing person I know and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never thought I would be here with you today but I'm glad I am. You have seen me at my best and you have seen me at my worst and yet you stayed right beside me through it all, for that I can't thank you enough. I love you forever and always and I can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives together." She finished by slipping my wedding band on my finger and crying a little more. "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said. "Come here Mrs. Hayes." I said pulling Eleanor in and kissing her. The whole church erupted in claps and the band yelling. We finally pulled away and placed our foreheads together "I love you Mrs. Hayes." "I love you Mr. Hayes." And with that we walked down the isle as husband and wife.

Love Y’all!! 

Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & YouTube: @hunterhayesvt

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