A Day of Fun

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Eleanor’s POV:

I woke up thinking everything that happened last night was a dream. I tried to get up only to be restricted my someones arms who tightened around me when I tried to sit up.  I looked to my right to see who wasn’t letting me get up, and it was Hunter. Oh okay, Wait old on. WHAT?? Why am I sleeping on a couch cuddled to Hunter Hayes? Did everything that happened in my dream actually happen? I pinched myself just to make sure and then turned back to my right, yup Hunter was still there so I guess that means it wasn’t a dream. I sat there for a few minutes admiring how cute he was while he slept, he finally stirred and good morning in the most amazing deep morning voice. He hadn’t let go yet so I just sat there staring at him until he finally asked me what I was staring at him for. I looked down at his arms, and he finally got the hint and swiftly removed his arms from around me. It’s not that I dislike being in your arms, I just kinda gotta use the restroom. Sorry he said and blushed. It’s okay kiddo, I said to him while I messed up his already messy but still flawless looking hair. 

Hunter’s POV:

I woke up and immediately saw Eleanor’s eyes, I was kinda wondering how long long she had been up. I didn’t realize I had my arms around her still, it just felt so natural. I finally unwrapped her when she told me that she needed to use the restroom. It seemed like all the guys waited until she closed the door because as soon as she did they all came piling out. They all had the same question, “What happened last night?” NOthing happened guys, we just kept watching the movie until she fell asleep and I fell asleep shortly after. They all started asking me if I liked her because we would make a cute couple but the conversation ceased as soon as we heard the door open. They were all grinning at me like idiots and she looked like she walked into some place she didn’t belong. So, Eleanor. Matt piped up, what are you doing today? Umm nothing really probably just going home to clean. Oh that sounds boring, why don’t you hang out with us today. She looked at me with a look asking if I had anything to do with this. I put up my hands and said this was all his idea. She finally agreed and said she just had to tell her mom that she wouldn’t be back until later. I was secretly jumping up and down with joy. 

Eleanor’s POV:

I was jumping up and down on the inside because I got to spend another day with Hunter. They asked me where would be a fun place to go and I suggested Pizza Putt. It is an awesome indoor arcade. They have miniature golf, bowling, laser tag, bumper cars and tons of arcade games. I have been going there since I was a little kid, It’s one of my favorite places ever. They all agreed that it sounded awesome and with that we ventured to South Burlington. When we got there, all of their jaws dropped and you could see the excitement in their eyes. They looked like kids. we decided to golf first, them play games after. Since I have been golfing here for over 15 years it is obvious that I kicked all their butts. Matt pouted like the big kid that he is, but I promised to get him some pizza and ha perked right back up. Next up was bumper cars. I obviously knew how to use those but the boys picked up quick and all decided to gang up on me. Lets just say I didn’t really leave the corner of the floor. After that the guys went to go play arcade games but I didn’t want to because I suck at them, so that just left Hunter and I. We decided on bowling. I wasn’t very good at this because it was one of the newest pout in here and I just sucked at bowling anyway. Hunter beat me and I was okay with that, he did a cute victory dance that I wish I had recorded because it was one of those things that would probably never happen again. We had been here a few hours and we were all getting hungry so we headed to the restaurant to get some lunch. 

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