Christmas Decorating

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Eleanor's POV

Hunter and I finally got our casts off and were cleared to head home. It was early December, so that meant when we got home the first thing I would be doing was setting up Christmas decorations. I'm way behind but it's not really my fault. Christmas is my favorite time of year, the music, snow and being with family. My mom and I would always watch the 25 Days of Christmas and bake things. Every year we would make brackets of food for for each family and give it to then as their Christmas present. They would have Quick Energy Pickups (if you don't know what they are look them up and make them, that are delicious), peanut butter fudge, homemade Chex mix, homemade banana bread, and chocolate covered cherries. Plus whatever else we felt like throwing in. It'll be different not doing that, but maybe I'll make some for Hunters family, they'd probably like that. Hunter finished packing up the car and it was time to go, I'm so bad at goodbyes. 

Hunters POV

I walked back in and told eleanor we were all set to leave. My mom got a little emotional. I went over and hugged her while Eleanor hugged dad. We switched places, mom was saying something to Eleanor but I could not make out what she was saying. 

Eleanor's POV

I was hugging Lynette then she pulled me away and said something that just made me want to cry. "You can start to call me mom, I already love you like a daughter." She said smiling. The only thing I could do was hug her, that meant the world to me that she was accepting me into her family. "I love you." She said "I love you too, mom." I thought my life could not get anymore perfect. 

Hunters POV

We did our normal routine of getting Starbucks when we got to the airport. I sang to Eleanor so she would fall asleep on the plane and then I fell asleep. I was honestly exhausted. I was only asleep for what felt like an hour before I was woken up to an announcement saying the plane was about to land. I decided to wake Eleanor up so she could get ready. She looked so cute when she slept, I leaned over to kiss the tip if her nose to wake her up. She scrunched her nose then moved her hand to get away whatever was bothering her, she ended up slapping me in the face. She slowly opened her eyes to see me still close to her face holding my cheek. She tried to bite her bottom lip to stifle her laugh but it didn't work. "Aww I'm sorry baby." She said chuckling and moving my hand out of the way, replacing it with hers and rubbing my cheek ever so gently. "It's okay, now I jut know that when I wake you up I will need to run far away." I said chuckling. I told her we were almost home then she said she needed to ask me something. 

Eleanor's POV

"Can we go get a Christmas tree tonight?" I asked Hunter a little hesitantly. I didn't know how he would react, I didn't know if he liked Christmas trees or if he was someone who wanted to wait until Christmas Eve to put it up. "Of course, sweetheart." He said while leaning down to peck my lips. We got to the airport and headed home to drop our stuff off and change before we went to go get the tree. "Ahh home sweet home." I said walking in the door and dropping my bags on the floor. "It feels good to be back doesn't it?" Hunter asked as he walked in behind me, setting his bags down next to mine. "It does, it really does.” Now are you ready to go pick out the tree?" I said way to enthusiastically for my own good. Hunter chuckled at my excitement then walked over to hold my shoulders down to stop me from jumping. "Once you calm down I will be, I swear you are just like a little kid." He said laughing slightly. "Okay okay I'm calm, now let's go." I yelled grabbing his hand pulling him out to the car. 

Hunters POV

What is it with this girl and Christmas. She is way to excited, something I'll definitely have to get used to. We drove up to the lot and before I even stopped the car, Eleanor was out and over to my side waiting and very impatiently I might add. "Calm down love." I said to her grabbing her hand and intertwining her fingers with mine. "I'm sorry I'm just so excited. Christmas is my favorite time of year." She told me. "Why is that?" I asked with curiosity. "I'll tell you at home." She said then walked into the lot looking for the perfect tree. "What about this one?" I asked holding up a 7 ft tall tree. "No, not full enough." She said dismissively "come in El, we've looked at 8 trees and you haven't liked any one of them. "I'm sorry, but it has to be perfect." She said turning around. Then she stopped dead in her tracks. "That one." She pointed to a tree in the corner. It was a 6 and a half foot balsam fir, the kind Eleanor said her family got every year. "Is that the one you want sweetheart?" I asked her. "Yes, it's perfect." She said. Just as we picked it out it started to lightly snow. Everything was now perfect. We paid for it and brought it home. Eleanor had in the meantime gotten all of her Christmas decorations she had collected over the years and the things her mom had given her a few years back out, and put everything in the living room. He then got the tree stand out. I put it in the stand then made sure it was standing straight up before screwing it into the stand. I saw Eleanor just looking at it so I walked over and put my arm around her shoulder. "What are you thinking about love?" I asked her. "Just memories. It's the first Christmas I'll be away from my parents, I just want everything to be perfect." She told me, I could see tears forming. "It will be don't worry." I told her to reassure her. "So where do we start?" I asked a little afraid, she had lots of Christmas stuff. "Well we can decorate the tree first I guess, then decorate the house. She started pulling. Out the white lights she wanted on the tree when I had an idea. "Hey, let's wrap these around us and take a picture." I suggested. "Okay." She said smiling. We took the picture and then posted it to twitter with the caption @hunterhayes: decorating for Christmas, what is this girl doing to me. I still love her though! 😘 @eleanorlauzon 

Eleanor's POV

We decorated the tree with white lights and ornaments. I don't like tinsel because it is to messy. The I had Hunter out the star on top, and it looked great if I do say so myself. Next was decorating the living room. We hung garland and lights in the fireplace, then out stockings. I hung garland and lights around all the doorways. I out a small tree with lights and ornaments on the table be the front door. When I walked back, Hunter was standing in one of the doorways with a mischievous grin. "You okay there." I asked him starting to walk away. "Oh no you don't." He said grabbing my waist pulling me back to him. He looked up and so did I. He put up mistletoe. "And how may I ask did that get there?" I asked him wrapping my arms around his neck, gently playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. "Well I don't know, but rules are rules." He said. "Okay but only if I have to." I said playfully. "Oh believe me, you have too." He said leaning in to kiss me. It is the most passionate kiss we've shared, at this point I really knew I loved this man and could not wait to marry him. We pulled away to finish decorating. “So, why do you love Christmas so much?” He asked me. “Well, it was always a happy time of the year for me, it was the only day that my parents would actually try to night fight. They would fight pretty much every other day. On birthdays I never had a party, so I just stayed in my room watching movies so I didn’t have to listen to them fighting. Also if I wanted a cake I would have to go out and buy it myself because my mom never made me one.” I said, trying not to get emotional. “I’m so sorry baby.” He said trying to comfort me. “It’s okay, I have you now so Christmas will be just that much more special.” I said pecking his lips and hugging him. 

Hunters POV

After we were done, we made hot chocolate and started a fire. We sat turned in some Christmas music and turned off all of the lights except the Christmas lights around the house. We just sat on the couch listening to the music and talking, just enjoying each other's company. After a while we both just fell asleep in each others arms.

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