❃ Five Things About Jisoo that new Armys need to know

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❃ she's had glossophobia all her childhood

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she's had glossophobia all her childhood. She couldn't speak publicly. Even before auditioning, she was having problems getting through the audition until one of the coordinators told her to close her eyes and pretend she's by herself. (That's how she got in). She got help for it along the way but every now and then, she has those random moments where she'll hyperventilate and suddenly become fearful of her surroundings.

she has panic disorder or Agoraphobia. The only time everyone saw this was during their first ever fan meet. When she saw how many people actually came, she saw how many people came and for the first time, her brother couldn't be there to hold her hand so she cling herself onto Jin's arm (whom, at the time, she was still getting to know so she wasn't so close to him at the time) and just stayed with him the whole time. Even when she was supposed to sit next to Jimin. Her mom told Jin that when she has a panicked moment and she's already in front of a big amount of people, she sticks to the person she feels the safest with. ( she's done it with Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon but none more than Jin )

She has a photographic and eidetic memory. This is self explanatory, really. She remembers everything. And I mean everything. If she says she doesn't remember, she's either saving you from embarrassment or she is trying to hide her talent. That's why she was always one of the smartest in class. She remembers the teachers words and what they wrote on the board. But she still took notes to help out Jungkook.

She can make her voice sound like anyone she's imitating. She imitated Jimin's singing voice perfectly before. Which freaked everyone out. She imitated Namjoon's voice and even did a few cartoon characters.

she wrote a response to Pied Piper. She wrote and recorded both and English and korean 'ARMY' response to Pied Piper. She's never released it but she played a snippet of both on one of her V Lives. The fandom all over the world to this day, begs her to release it. She's still thinking about it.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝘣𝘵𝘴 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘪Where stories live. Discover now