Chapter 32

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So, me and Hayes are dating! Its official! I'm so excited, though, he doesnt know me and Cam made out and he doesn't need to because later on, it wont meant anything to him. So i didn't tell him and it doesn't bother me.

Today, we were going to leave Boston and head home to North Carolina. Its weird to say i don't live in Arizona, but this school year is going to rock with new friends and a boyfriend. My parents never knew that me and Hayes have dated, or that we are dating now. I plan on not tell them.

"Are you coming back to my room tonight?"


Hayes walked up to Cam and Nash's room and we packed again and Hayes still had a picture of him and Hannah on the side of his bed.

"Hayes, why do you still have this?"

"Oh! I was switching it today. I went to Walgreens and printed this picture of us."

He opened the frame and put our picture in, shredded the old one and threw it over the balcony.

We laid down on the bed and turned on the TV and watched a movie. We snuggled all night and sleep took me over.

Then I woke up.


I was wondering where Bel was, I texted her and she said she was sleeping at Hayes.


C: where are you?

I: I'm at Hayes's room.

C: why are you there?

I: cause I am spending time with my boyfriend.

I: sorry😁

C: what about last night tho?

I: he asked me today.

C: oh so now you are sleeping him?

I: no.

C: are you spending the night?

C: are you?

I: chill out. Yes.

I: cam, listen, your almost 19, I'm 15 almost 16. We cant really date. It would be illegal once u turn 21.

C: alright. Night.

*end of messages*

I hate to say this, but her going from guy to guy sleeping around is a whore. But Taylor was taking up the 3rd bed so...

She still kissed me. I'm not mad at Hayes, he probably doesn't even know and I wont tell him. It might ruin our friendship.

I have to look for someone else i guess.


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