Chapter 30

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*next morning*

I rolled over to see Isabel, but she wasn't here. I know she was sleeping here. Cause she made out for a few minutes.

*you make me feel like, I've been locked out of heaven, for to long, for to long, yeah you make me feel like-"

She left her phone on the night stand and I scooted to her side and I checked it. It was from Hayes

"Hey Isabel, Good Morning, I love you!"

Wait a minute... Did I kiss his girlfriend?


"Dude, shut up, what?"

"Your brother is dating the girl i kissed last night."



"No, he just likes her. Chill out"

I calmed my self down. I don't wanna have a competition with Hayes... Hes like a brother.

*knock knock knock*

"Hey nash! Where's Isabel?"

I answered "i don't know, she was here last night."

"Oh guys... Guys guys guys! We have Magcon today!!!! We need to start getting ready!"


Hayes ran out and a few minutes after he walked out, Bel walked in. I hugged her and said I was worried. She laughed and she was eating breakfast at the cafe.

We all started getting ready.

2 hours later, we were all in our best clothes, all fresh and clean

"Hey uh guys, I was joking, we don't have magcon."

I ran up to Nash and beat the shit out of him. He was laughing the whole time. I wasn't.

Hayes walked in and grabbed Isabel's arm and took her out.

I was jealous. I wanted to do that.

At least i won the part of sleeping next to her and making out AND taking her to breakfast.


I want Isabel. Like as a girlfriend, so today, I decided to take Isabel on a date and maybe ask her to be my girlfriend... again.

"You look nice"

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself"

I smiled and then we heard a loud voice coming up behind us


It was Cameron. She took it from him and said thanks and slid it into her back pocket.

"Where are we going Hayes?"

"You will see. "

We called a Taxi and hopped in and I told the guy where to go. We were going to the Hot Dog place we went to a few days ago.

As we were walking, a group of 4 girls walked up and were screaming.


These girls walked up to hayes screaming. He kissed them on the cheek and it made me jealous. Though, I knew, they were just fans and i let it go.

"Hayes, because this just happened, does this mean that when we walk out, there will be even MORE girls?"

"I don't know. Probably not."

*HAYES POV* (sorry for changing it a lot!)

We walked into the fast food restaurant and we orders the usual hot dog and sat down. As wee were waiting, they had napkins on he table with the ketchup and mustard bottles. In mustard, i wrote on the napkin

"Will you be my girlfriend? Again?"

Then with ketchup, a heart. I slid it over the table and right when I did, they called out order and she got up.

When she came back, she set the tray on the napkin with the writing on it. Poop. There goes my plans.

"Oh sorry Hayes, what was that?"

"Just a napkin with drawings on it."

She nodded and we cleaned it up and i purposely touched her hand and grabbed it.

"Isab, will you be my girlfriend, again?" I winked.

"Yes Hayes, I will"

We hugged and then quickly kissed. As we were eating, we talked.

I just love this girl. I really do.



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