Chapter 19

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I don't wanna leave. I don't. I really don't. My mom already got our plane tickets to head back to AZ. I decided to talk to Hayes while Isabel was getting ready.

"Be good to her please. She will mean the world to you" i spoke to Hayes.

"I will." He responded.

"You know me and her were together twice right?" I wasn't sure if she had told him.

"You did?"

He raised one eyebrow and looked concerned. I didn't see why it would bother him because she doesn't have feelings for me. Whatever.

I nodded my head slowly and he got up and left her house. Did I do the wrong thing? Once Isabel was done getting ready, she looked beautiful. Things are about to be turned to the worse.

"Where's Hayes?" She asked

I just looked at her. I shrugged my arms and she put on some hollister footflops and ran out into the cold humid air.


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