Chapter 3

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*1 week later*

today was moving day. we were moving to te other side of the country. did i want to? no. i looked at my phone and it was blowing up with messages. i just left it because i didnt want to feel any worse than i did now. i didnt want to hear any whines like "im going to miss you please don't go!" or "Isabel, please please please!"

we were on our way to the airport. just one step closer to north carolina. we waited for like 40 minutes and we heard our flight number. i dreaded it. we found out seats and my mom pulled up pictures of our house in north carolina. it was nice. i was excited but wished that house was just in the valley of the sun (a valley i lived in in arizona) my phone was blowing up with texts still. i ignored them,

*after flight*

we got to our rental car. we drove on many beautiful streets. everything was green. in arizona, its dirt and sand. it was also humid here. i hate humidity. it was also wet. i like when its wet out side because in phoenix, it hanst rained in over a year, no joke. we drove up to our house and it was bigger in person. in the house next door, there was thre boys playing football. i didnt see there faces and i didnt care.

as i got out of the car with all the things i could possibly hold, two boys with bright blue eyes jogged over.

"are ya'll moving in?" asked the taller one. he was cute... well... both were.


"do you need help?" asked the shorter one.

"no, just kidding yes."

the shorter one grabbed some of the clutter in the back seat and carried it into my room upstairs.

"whats your name?"

"Isabel Rae"

"I'm Hayes Grier"

we walked out of my room and his mom was at the door.

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