Chapter 12

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Sadly, Aidens mom called my mom and it looks like hes gonna come visit. His mom and him are gonna stay at our house. I wasn't looking forward to this at all. What if he tries to kiss me or ask me out again? I didn't want him to come. I actually don't like him in the way i used to anymore and I hope he gets that message.

Aiden is coming tomarrow. I don't want him to. I will not sit next to him at dinner, he wont come in my room, I will not go in his, he can use the bathroom in the hallway, everything thats mine, he cannot touch.

Me and Hayes have been hanging out a lot. He actually asked me out like a week ago. I honestly didn't see it coming. Hayes is so cute , he asked me out in the sweetest way!


I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep until Hayes texted me to go out into the frontyard.

"No, I'm sleeping"

"Your not sleeping if ur txting me lol ;)"

"Whatever fine. If I get in trouble it's all ur fault "

I got into my Diamond Supply sweat shirt and some cardinals sweats. I put my hair into a messy ponytail and quietly went downstairs.

I went out the back door because our front door makes a loud lock sound when shut. I hopped our wooden fence and came to my drive way

"I'm here" i texted to hayes.

I don't like being out side when its dark so I turned on my phone flash light.



"got ya"

"Ass hole"

He grabbed my hand and took me by the lake and there was a boat. I supposed it was his family's.

He put me on the little boat and he turned around and was trying to find the life jackets, while he was taking stuff out of the box, he pulled out this cardboard sighn that had spray paint on it.

"Isabel, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hayes, whats this?"

He smiled at me and he held his hands together. Was this really happening? At 9 o'clock at night?

I found a bottle of spray paint behind me and flipped the cardboard over and pained 'Yes' on the back. Hayes stood up and kissed me on the lips and he hugged me. I blushed and he laughed and kissed me on my nose. I'm dating Hayes Grier now? That escalated quickly.


I heard knocking at my bedroom door and I opened it. It was Hayes.

"Hey girlfriend!"

He plopped himself onto my bed and turned on the tv and we were watching KUWTK.

"Kim is hot!"

I slapped him

"Shut up Hayes."

"Just kidding. I love you"

"I love you to but uhhh.. I need to tell you something."

"No no, your breaking u-"

I laughed and continued

"No Hayes u silly goose. But Aidens coming tomarrow."

He just looked at me and his eyes went big.

"Really?" He said quietly.

"Hayes, you understand I'm your girlfriend and I'm dating you because I love you right?"

He nodded

"Let's make a deal. You can stay here for the days he's here. Okay?"

He nodded again and we went outside and he tought me how to play lacrosse. I don't really understand the game but i just followed with the motions.

"Wanna play wiffle ball or something?" I whined because i really didn't really wanna play anymore.

Hayes nodded and we played for a little while. We went back to his house and his mom asked if we could watch Skylynn while my mom and his went to go eat dinner.

"Let's go to my room"

"What about Skylynn." The way he asked was so odd.

"Sierra will watch her."

So I went through with it and we climed his stairs. He took me to his messy room and we layed down together and watched TV.

He kissed me and rested his arm around me, it was weird. Well for me. He got on top of me and he made his arms give out and his body fell ontop of me.

"'Please make me some macoroni and cheese" he whined.

I struggled getting him off me and I went down stairs and made everyone macaroni and cheese. I guess Hayes cant cook. Nash and Will werent home. They went to the movies to go to 'The Great Gatsby'

My sister was being annoying so we went to my house and we fell asleep on separate couches.

I'm glad Hayes is mine. And only mine.

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