Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

     Layla had just left her Adult Nursing lecture and was rushing back to her apartment to take a nap. Finals were a few weeks away and she needed some rest before she began studying. Cardi B's new song I like it played softly on the radio and she quickly turned it up to sing along.

     "I like texts from my exes when they want a second chance, I like proving niggas wrong I do what they say I can't," she sang loudly while laughing. How ironic that this morning she woke up to a random text from her bitch ass ex Josiah. Josiah was that ex that every female had or eventually will have. At first the relationship was amazing, and you think that you found your soulmate then... BOOM... shit goes sideways, he reveals he really is an "aint shit nigga" and you are left with a broken heart.

     Layla and Josiah had started dating when she was in the eleventh grade. She was 15 years old, just a few months away from being 16, and he was nineteen. They met the summer prior to her junior year at a house party. After two months of talking on the phone late at night, meeting up during the day and hanging out they decided to make it official.

     The first two years was what is known as the "honeymoon" phase. Layla was happy as can be, she didn't have to worry about any groupies or distractions in her relationship. However, all good things must come to an end.

     Shortly after her high school graduation, Layla sensed a change in Josiah, he started going out more and wearing flashy accessories. Layla was no ass so the first thought to cross her mind was that he was slangin rocks or something. So, Layla confronted him.

     "Let me ask you a question Josh, where are you getting all this money from," she asked.
Josiah watched her like she crazy, "Girl, what you mean? Why you always tripping?"

"Why are you getting so defensive like you hiding something? Like all of a sudden you dripped down like you apart of Migos," she said while walking away. "Forget I said anything. If you living that fast life leave me out of it."

     Layla quickly parked her Jeep and ran up the stairs to her apartment which she shared with her best friend, Nadirah. As she reached her room and dropped her books on her desk, she heard a low thumping. Curious to find out where the sound was coming from she tiptoed outside-- Nadirah's door was slightly open.

    I know this bitch isn't in there getting dick, she thought to herself.
"Oh my gosh, papi", she heard Nadirah moan loudly.
"Papi? You not even Spanish though," Layla whispered out loud.

     She quickly shuffled back to her room. "Damn I ain't had dick in a while. What is life," she groaned. Suddenly her phone pinged—a text from Headphanie.

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