♡/☁)Cracks||Beast Boy||Part 1

Start from the beginning

It came earlier for you, you didn't know why. I mean, your mom died at like, 30 or something, but yours came at your teenager age. In fact, you've had 'it' for about 3 years, and it keeps on getting worse.

You entered your room and looked into the mirror. Your eyes widened in dismay as you noticed something on your face. A crack. Your breath hitched.

Your hand trembled as you touched it gently, still staring at your reflection in shock. No, this couldn't be happening. Your mind was playing tricks, your mirror was under a spell! Zatanna put some sort of spell on it, right?! Yeah, yeah, it was some sort of PRANK right?!

Ok, some of you other people might think, oh, this is just a crack on the mirror and it just looks like there's a crack on your face. So why were you so freaked out? Well... your mom had this. You didn't know if this was some sort of disease or something. It probably wasn't, because this only happened to your mom and you.

Your mom got her powers accidentally. She was shot by some sort of destruction gun, but it might've malfunctioned and transmitted into her body, giving her the powers of the gun thingy.

And since she had it, so did you. She joined the Justice League, fought evil, blah and you know what. But there was one downside to these superpowers. Your mom one day found out that their arms had cracks.

She went from doctor to doctor, but she still didn't know what it was or what would happen. One day, your mom's arm fell off. It had cracked so much, that like an old statue, it had broken off. She surprisingly felt no pain and just taped it back on. But after that incident, she knew that she would keep on falling apart until... there was nothing left but dust.

Before she died, she had found out my dad was cheating on her with another woman, maybe making the cracking process even faster. You had no idea why, but she was dying twice as fast when she found out.

And, yes, that's how she died. And one very, very, very important fact was before she had died, their last cracks were on her face. Guess what that meant.


You were frozen. Shocked, stunned. Well, at least you were calm.


You were mentally hyperventilating, freaking out, and letting out a shrill scream all in one. You knew what this meant. You knew you didn't have much time left if your face was already starting to have cracks.

And not long ago, your finger had fallen off. You glued it on, of course, but this was bad. You were going to die and you knew it.

You quickly searched your drawers, looking for your makeup kit. You've never used that makeup before. Like ever. You preferred having a clean face instead of one that was caked with makeup, making you look like a doll. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

You covered the crack with makeup, like covering up a mistake in an oil painting. You frowned as you looked into the mirror. Your face looked really unnatural since the place you had covered up was a bit darker than your actual skin tone.

You then applied makeup to the rest of your face so you would look more normal. You then again looked at your reflection. You smiled. You were satisfied with the outcome. It looked pretty good, if you would say so yourself.

You let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the other members wouldn't question the crack on your face. Some of you might be wondering, why wouldn't you tell them? I mean, they were your friends, after all.

But you kept this secret from them. This big, big secret that you didn't let anyone know. Even the Justice League didn't know.

The reason why you didn't tell them was so they wouldn't get hurt. You didn't want to burden them with your horrific future. You didn't want to break them even more. If they knew, they would dread that day, knowing that you were going to die soon.

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