The guest room was really pretty. It was painted an aqua blue. It had a walk in closet, and the bed was white and had blue & white pillows. It also had a tv. The room was just so adorable.

"Wanna go on the trampoline?" Hayes asked and I nodded. I love trampolines. I can do a lot of tricks on them. From front flips, backflips, twists, and you get what I mean. I can also do a lot of the things I just named on the ground.

"So can you do any tricks?" Hayes asked and I nodded.

"Do one."

"Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Can you do a tuck?"


I did my tuck and I asked Hayes if he could do that. He did and I clapped and he bowed.

"Can you do it on ground?" He asked and I nodded.

I hopped of the trampoline and did one and he clapped.

"Okay do some really cool trick." He told me and I nodded.

I went closer to the trampoline and started running. I did a cart wheel, three backflips, a tuck, and two more backflips and he just stared at me.

"How did you do that?!" He asked and I laughed.

"I've done gymnastics for a while. That's easy." I shrugged and he still just stood there and stared at me.

"Hey cutie now do something." I told him and he nodded.

He did a backflip and then a twist.

I laughed and I felt a tug on my shirt.

"Emily you said you would play ponies with me!" She said and I picked her up.

"Hayes, I have to go do some serious business!" I told him and he nodded.

I put Sky on my back and started running. She started laughed and hung on tight. We got to the front door and I put her down and she led me to her room.

"Here's your horse! You can name her!"

"Hm, I'll name her blue jeans?"

"That's cute mines name is Sparkles!"

"That's an adorable name." I told her and she laughed. I started to tickle her and she started giggling like crazy.

We played ponies for a while then her mom came in.

"You made her play ponies?" Her mom laughed.

"Yup! Her ponies name is Blue Jeans!"

"What! Ah! You never let me pick my ponies name!" Her mom said and Sky laughed.

"Well c'mon girls, it's time to eat. I made burgers, Macaroni & cheese, and corn!" She'd said and left.

Oh gosh... I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't just say I'm not hungry that's so rude and disrespectful..

Maybe, I'll just get Macaroni & cheese and tell them I'm not that hungry, the plane ride made me sick...

Sky raced down stairs and I saw the boys already sitting, and Will & Chad was here.

"Oh dad and Will! This is Emily, my girlfriend. Emily, meet my brother Will, and my dad Chad." He said and I waved.

"Hey nice to meet you, finally. When Hayes calls he only talks about you." Will said and I blushed.

"Hello Emily, it's nice to meet you." His dad said.

"It's nice to meet you both, too." I smiled and Sky told me to go sit by her so I did.

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