@flirtsjeon says:
"porque dises que no eres gay idiot."

hey, just 'cause i'm korean doesn't mean i cant and wont use google translate to see what that means and wow okay, here's my response to that: lo siento PUTA, pero mi sexualidad sigue siendo un secreto..!! you call me an idiot i call you a bitch! take my fucking middle finger!

@JungcooksJiminjams asks:
"Are you using Jimin?"

truth is.. im a robot. im using him as a human test so i can dominate the world.

@jungcooksjiminjams asks and says:
"do you love jimin? if so you better try harder to fight for him."

wait- what do you mean try harder to get him? is someone flirting with him??

@jiminyougotznojamz asks:
"do you love iu or jimin?"


@explicitvangel says:
"you, you annoy me so much. instead of testing who jimin feels etc how about you just talk to him face to face, no jokes, and have a serious talk. you cocky boy, i'm disappointed"

i will when the time comes. and im sorry that im too cocky for you. as of right now im being told how to act so i cant do much about the cockiness.

@qwertythebird says and asks:
"Are you straight or something else?
(I highly doubt that you are straight btw)"

im not straight im offended by that little comment of yours. jk im straight lolol why does it matter what i am

@qwertythebird asks:
"What are your kinks
(Yup I went there)"

yes you DID go there and oh what a straight forward little girl you are. i dont have any kinks. pfft im totally not into exhibitionism. i def dont jack off thinking about fucking a certain someone front of everyone and i definitely dont come whenver i think about that someone calling me daddy, ha ha. a sub crying/sobbing in pleasure doesnt make me hard. ...fuck you im hard

@Usagi_ShippingGod asks and says:
"Why cant you just fuck jimin? I love you but are you a pussy!? Its jikook for life for me. NOW HOP IM JIMINS PANTS!!"

i dont fuck anyone but my beautiful girlfriends pussy (and you are what you eat so i guess i am a pussy lolol). i only play with jimin when he asks me to, and when im instructed. technically i havent fucked anyone yet because it isnt the right time, but i dont plan on ever fucking jimin. i make love to my lovers.

。 ᴛ ᴀ ᴇ ʜ ʏ ᴜ ɴ ɢ 。

。 ᴛ ᴀ ᴇ ʜ ʏ ᴜ ɴ ɢ 。

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