Chapter 41

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Alexis's POV

3 Months Later on the Wedding Day

I pace back and forth in my room as I wait while fiddling with my fingers, worry coursing through me.

The door opens to reveal Kurotsuchi, Hana, Kim and Sakura.

"We're here and stop pacing, from what Logan says Kakashi is doing the same thing." Hana says and I stop but I continue to fiddle with my fingers. "Stop that, your worse than Kakashi when your on a mission." Hana says and laugh nervously at that.

"Yeah, no wonder these two are perfect for each other." Kurotsuchi says with a smirk. "Alright girls, time to get dressed." Kurotsuchi says and Kim and her push me over towards the center of the room and make me change into a dress. (In Media, but with out the strings on the waist and has a white belt in the chest area, not brown.)

"So pretty." Sakura says and I crack a nervous smile.

"She looks perfect, now for the hair." Hana says and sits me sit on a hair and turns me away from the mirror. She brushes out my hair and then takes the crown part of my hair and ties and clips it, she takes part of the right sided of my hair and braids it to the back of my head and does the same to the left, she ties them together and lets the crown of my hair go and makes it so that my bangs frame my face perfectly and puts light blue small flower petals in my hair and then puts the veil on and it find of looks like a crown, the veil stays behind my head is white.

"Make up." Kim says with a smile and pushes her glass back up her nose, she puts on foundation and then blush, she puts on some eye liner and some light lip gloss.

"You girls should get ready, the wedding is only in a hour and you need to get into your dresses and do your hair and make up as well." I say and they grin and nod and get dressed. I put on white flats since I can't walk in heels.

The four do their hair and make up, all similar to each other, their dresses are light blue one strap, knee length brides maid dresses and their hair is in loose side braids and they have basic make up on.

I get handed a bouquet of white water lilies and the music starts. I get walked to a clearing and I see everyone there with Kakashi up towards the front at the podium and Lady Tsunade up there as well and Guy, Logan, and Jon next to Kakashi. I see Sasuke near me with a smirk on his face and wearing a tux with the Uchiha crest on his shoulder.

"So my older sister is finally getting married." Sasuke says to me and Hana, Kim, Kurotsuchi and Sakura walk down the isle. I smile and Sasuke walks me down the isle and he joins Logan, Guy and Jon while I stand next to Kakashi.

"You look beautiful Alexis." Kakashi says to me with a closed eyed smile, he's wearing his mask and a black and white tux with a light blue flower on his chest.

"And you look handsome Kakashi." I say and we smile and Lady Tsunade smiles at us and starts the ceremony.

I stand across from Kakashi with my hands on his as we say our vows. Kakashi places the diamond ring on my finger and I place his ring on his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride." Lady Tsunade says to Kakashi, he pulls down his mask and lifts my chin up and kisses me.

Everyone cheers and we step back as Kakashi puts his mask back up. We smile at each other and we all head to the reception.

"Finally." Logan says to me and Kakashi with a smirk.

"Finally what?" Me and Kakashi asks.

"You both got married, it only took 2 and a half years." Logan says with a smirk.

I am an Uchiha -Naruto Fan-FicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon