Chapter 15

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Alexis's POV

I see a red head with a smirk on his face.

"It's you." I say pointing to the red head.

Granny Chiyo looks at me. "You've seen him like this before?" She asks me.

I nod. "Once on a mission when I was nine, me, Logan and Hana were fighting a rouge from the sand, it was this guy, me and Logan were able to injure him before I guess but all we cracked was wood and he ran like a dog with his tail between his legs." I say to her.

"You were the brat who I intended to kill because of orders. I see you were able to escape my poison back then, what about your little buddies? The Inuzuka girl and the Hyuga boy?" Sasori asks me.

"If you hadn't realized I used a Gen-Jutsu to make you think you got us with your poison, in reality we were making a plan to beat you." I say to him with a smirk.

"I see but you don't seem the same, you act, like a dumbass. Back then you wore glasses and were smart, so smart that you confused me." Sasori says to me.

"I'm still smart, I just had my eyes healed so I don't need my glasses." I say to him as I get in a defensive position.

"I see." Sasori says to me and we both stand in front of each other with Kunai out. "Well let me repay you for almost killing me before." Sasori says to me with a smirk.

"Let me finish what I started." I say to him.

Granny Chiyo and Sakura look at the both of us.

"Are you sure you can handle a poison specialist?" Granny Chiyo asks.

"I'll be fine, I just have to avoid his weapons right? Well I have a small trick up my sleeve incase I do come in contact with his poison." I say to her and I do some hand signs. "If your made of wood, I have a counter to it." I say to him and I do my Fire Ball Jutsu and he stands there with a smirk as the flames engulf him.

"Did you get him?" Sakura asks.

I shake my head. "If it didn't work, then his wood is strong, I must have singed him though." I say and the fire from my Jutsu goes out and I see Sasori mostly unharmed but his coat a bit singed and his hair too. "I knew it, alright, how about this." I do some hand signs but I see Iron Sand surround me. "That's not good." I say and jump up before it slams shut on me.

"ALEXIS!" Sakura yells looking at the sand.

I don't think I should land on the sand, why is this harder than I remember? Oh yeah, I don't have Logan or Hana with me that's why.

I run down the wall while doing hand signs. "Your going down Sasori." I say and finish my hand signs. "Fire Style: Ultimate Technique." I blow loads of fire out of my mouth and they turn into different creatures, dragons, tigers, wolves and foxes.

"Ha, you think fire is gonna stop me?" Sasori asks with a smirk.

Ok maybe not, I should probably think this through again, damn Logan's idiotic behavior would be useful, ok think what would he do, ok first he'd yell out 'well I don't give a damn what you say' then he'd yell out again 'I will beat you no matter what' and he'd usually yell out again 'your going down to hell and never coming back'.

"Well I don't care, getting Gaara back is my top priority, and your in my way, if I have to defeat you then I will, I came here on a mission and I'll see it through." I say to him.

Sakura and Granny Chiyo look at me shocked.

"You have spunk, like that Hyuga boy, too bad I'll have to make you into a puppet." Sasori says to me.

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