Chapter 34

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Alexis's POV

At the gates.

I stand next to Kakashi and Sakura with Sasuke in front of us.

I smile at him. "Ok Sasuke, if you want to travel, then that's your choice, just don't get killed." I say to him and Sasuke nods slightly.

"What? Your gonna miss me?" Sasuke says with a smirk.

"I'm your older sister if I remember correctly, yes I'm gonna miss you." I say and Kakashi gives me a closed eyed smile as we hold hands behind our backs.

"What about you and Kakashi? Is something going on there?" Sasuke asks with a smirk.

My face turns red. "Sasuke." I say and put him in a headlock while Kakashi and Sakura laugh nervously.

"Let me go." Sasuke says as I mess up his hair.

I grin. "What are you afraid your hair will look bad in front of Sakura?" I ask him and Sakura turns pink and I see a bit of hope in her eyes.

"That's none of your business." Sasuke says to me.

"And that answer applies to you about me and Kakashi, that's none of your business till I let you make it your business, which won't happen for a long time." I say and Sasuke scowls up at me.

"What is this? You don't act like an Uchiha." Sasuke says to me.

I smile. "I don't need to, because people accept my personality, and since there is peace between the nations, my dreams won't be haunted by the threat of war looming and I can finally act a bit free." I say to Sasuke who rolls his eyes but Kakashi's eyes widen slightly. "I saw that Kakashi and Sasuke, and how dare you roll your eyes at me Sasuke." I say to him as I step back, letting him go.

Sasuke turns to face me. "I can roll my eyes at you if I want to." Sasuke says to me.

I smirk at him. "You may think so, but I'm pretty sure I taught you to respect your elders." I say to him.

"Your not old." Sasuke says to me.

"And your not a kid, get my point?" I ask him and he grumbles and nods. "Good." I say and look at him. "Your to old for my hugs aren't you?" I ask him and Sasuke smirks. "Your probably to old for me to poke you in the forehead now as well. Now I feel old because I remember when I could do that freely and whenever I wanted." I say and cross my arms over my chest in a small pout.

Kakashi gives me a closed eyed smile and Sakura smiles at my childish behavior.

"Ever since Alexis came back from that intel mission a year ago, she's acted like a parent and then got depressed, saying she was turning into her parents, then she'd act like this." Sakura says to Sasuke who nods. "Ever since she died and came back, she's been like this, taking her life more seriously but enjoying it while she has it." 

I look at Sasuke who's eyes had widened. "When the Leaf Village was demolished by Pain or Nagato, whatever you want to call him, I fought him head on with my Susanoo to protect the Shinobi and the people who couldn't get out in enough time, when that happened, he used really strong gravity to crush my Susanoo and me, killing me, but he brought everyone back to life, including Kakashi and I, but paid the price of death." I say to him and Sasuke nods slightly.

I get trampled from behind and I fall on the ground. "Ow, that hurt, who did that?" I ask and look behind me, but then in front of me to see Lee running down the path and I get up. "That's it, I won't be trampled like a bug, I'm an Uchiha." I say and race after him while Kakashi sweat drops.

I catch up to Lee and I grab the back of his spandex suit as I stop and he looks at me. "OH ALEXIS! GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Lee yells.

"You ran me over." I say to him and he laughs like he didn't do it.

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