Chapter 36

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A week later

Alexis's POV

I sit in a cell. Let me explain, I was on a mission with Sai and a few other ANBU, we were to get information on the Land of Silence, Sai being our captain, the two of us got captured and the rest were killed. I'm in a cell because of this guy named Gengo, his name was already familiar to me so I didn't take any chances, but unfortunately Sai went over to his side and is now talking nonsense to me.

"I was never part of Team Kakashi, you guys never accepted me." Sai says looking down at me with a smirk.

I'm sitting down my hands chained above my head and my feet chained to the ground with a blindfold over my eyes because of my Sharigan.

"That's where your wrong Sai, you are part of Team Kakashi, you are my subordinate and my friend, don't think otherwise because I do think of you as one of my most trusted comrades." I say to him but he remains the way he is and I frown. "Sai, I will save you." I say to him and I hear the cell door shut.

I just sit there thinking when a memory of Itachi's dead body appears in my mind and I tch. "It's just a memory used to make me weak, I've already accepted the fact that Itachi is dead. You guys won't beat me, I'm an Uchiha, I will not fail."

"You already did, now come with us." One of the guards says to me and unchains my hands and feet but ties my hands together. I get walk out and put on a cross outside the castle and I listen to what's going on since I can't see what's going on.

I hear Shikamaru talking to Gengo.

"If I may say something Gengo, I think we should put Alexis back in her cell, she can be a problem with her strength." Sai says to him.

I mentally roll my eyes. "I have enough common sense not to fight right now, this place is surrounded by Gengo's men, so much that it's stupid, I could take everyone on all at once, but you Gengo, would use my friends as hostages." I say to them.

"Alexis?" Shikamaru asks looking at me.

I nod to him in greeting. I get taken back to my cell and I just sit there thinking.

I hear the door open of the cell next to me and then shut after a minute and I sigh.

"What a pain, first exploding humans, then I'm stuck in a jail cell all in the same month." I say and hear Shogi moves. I listen and I imagine the game board and how it's set up. I watch each piece move and I smirk.

Classic Shikaku, always the same moves, your son analyzed them and has a plan to beat you already. Not even I can beat him now, I'm just a History and Geography genius, I'm no math or a tactical genius, I always left that to you, now I leave it to Shikamaru.

I hmpf with a smirk. "You won Shikamaru."

"Huh?" He says and I can tell he's looking around. "Alexis?"

"Yeah, I'm here, I was listening to your game against your father and the one against Asuma." I say to him.

I can feel his shock. "How did you know who I was against?" He asks me.

"I've fought them both before multiple times in Shogi, I have their patterns memorized, its useless information now, but I still hold onto it for further references in a fight or a game of Shogi." I say to him with a smirk.

Someone walks into my cell. "Get up."

"Fine." I say and get up, while breaking the chains off my hands and feet. I place my hands behind my head as I'm walked out. I feel someone next to me but my Susanoo doesn't go up so I assume it's someone good. "Shikamaru?" I ask quietly.

I am an Uchiha -Naruto Fan-FicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora