Chapter 17

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A few days later

Alexis's POV

We get to the bridge and I look around as the four train to get the guy.

I see white hair after a while and I know exactly who it is and I see something following him.

I get ready to attack as Kabuto and Yamato talk, Orochimaru appears and Yamato gets revealed from his Sasori looking self.

I jump in front of him with out his signal and Kabuto looks at me shocked.

"The Uchiha came." Orochimaru says with a smirk.

"Not like I had a choice, but anyways." I say and Yamato sighs.

"You didn't come when I gave signal." Yamato says to me.

"Look Yamato, I've fought both of them before, that's why I came out with out signal." I say to him. 

"I think you'd like to know your little brother has grown up quite a lot, well not that you'd know, you've been too busy to notice he's missing from the Leaf Village." Orochimaru says to me.

"I knew he ran away, I was just ordered not to go looking for him. I would have because he is my younger brother but I wasn't aloud, so instead I kept my mind busy and you bringing that up really didn't help you know." I say to him.

Orochimaru smirks. "I just thought you'd want to know how your brother is doing before I use him for my next body." Orochimaru says to me.

"Yeah right, my brothers aren't blind so Sasuke wouldn't fall for your trick actually if you forgot he's an Uchiha, we have stronger minds than most ninja." I say to him with a smirk.

Yamato looks between us. "Alexis why are you talking to him like that?" Yamato asks.

"I'd rather be smashing his face in, trust me, but his little pest would just get in my way." I say to him.

Kabuto smirks at me. 

I roll my eyes and Naruto, Sai and Sakura stand behind me and in front of Yamato.

I activate my Mangekyo.

"Ooooo, scary, the Mangekyo." Orochimaru says with a smirk.

My eye twitches. "Did you, did you just? Did he just mock my eyes? My visual prowess was mocked?" I ask as I start shaking in anger.

Sai looks at me shocked but then goes emotionless again.

"You don't mock her eyes and get away with it." Sakura says shaking her head.

"Why? She's just as blind as a bat." Orochimaru says with a smirk.

"I can see better than you can." I say to him with a smirk.

Orochimaru hisses at me. "Your just a dog serving the Leaf Village, nothing more than a lowly Shinobi who's only as good as an ANBU, your not even as strong unless you have that Hyuga guy who watches your back for you." Orochimaru says to me with a smirk.

Something sounds like glass breaking. 

"I'm a dog? Why of all the dirty little, if anything I'm a cat. How dare you insult me you puny excuse for a girl." I say to him with a hardened glare.

"A girl? Did you just call me a girl?" Orochimaru asks with his own glare. "I'll get you back for that." He says to me.

"Ooo, what are you gonna do? Use your snake sword? I've already been pierced by it before if you don't remember, right in the middle of my stomach, if I'm correct, you missed every single vital, you must have horrible aim if I'm still standing here, staring you straight in the eye." I say to him with a smirk.

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