The Fifth Hokage

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A few days later

Alexis's POV

I wander around the village for a bit.

I sense Itachi in the village and I run there immediately to see him fighting Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai.

I jump down onto the water and I walk between the two sides. 

"What's going on now?" I ask.

"Alexis get out of the way or he'll put you in a Gen-Jutsu." Kurenai says to me.

My Sharigan activates. "Itachi can't put me in a Gen-Jutsu because I'm his sister for one, for two I have the Sharigan, for three I'm an Uchiha, my eyes see through anything." 

Asuma smirks. "Then help us out."

I raise an eyebrow. "They can't fight any longer. Itachi's eyes are incapable of doing so. If you have pride or dignity you wont attack each other." I say to them.

"She has a point." Kisame says and Itachi nods.

"Why can't we?" Kurenai asks.

"Kisame Hoshigaki, wielder of Samahada, the shark skin sword. One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the mist. I researched the blade and it steals chakra. You guys are at a disadvantage because Kakashi-San is down. They are at a disadvantage because Itachi is down. Neither side is equal in power and I don't want to cause a scene and freak people out and sending them into a panic." I say to them.

"That's a fair enough point." Asuma says to me.

"Explain that in English please?" Kisame asks.

"I did, or did you not understand me?" I ask.

"Lets go." Itachi says and the two leave.

I look at Kakashi. "I think I told you this a few times already. Don't over use your Sharigan." I say to him.

"Sorry." Kakashi mutters.

"Guy, take him to the hospital to be treated. I better find Logan and search for Naruto and Jiraiya." 

"Sorry you had to get in the middle of this." Asuma says to me.

"Its fine. Someone had to stop the fight from escalating. I'm just worrying about the village." I say to him and I jump off into the tree's. I find Logan and I explained what happened.

Logan sighs. "Lets go find Naruto." 

We run to the next town over and I sense Naruto's presence. I start running there and I jump into his hotel room through the window.

Naruto falls dead on the floor, out of surprise.

Naruto then runs over to me. "Why are you here?" Naruto asks me.

"Because I can be, now shush, sit on the bed and wait." I say to him and I do a transformation Jutsu.

I look like a villager with brown hair and blue eyes. I take my glasses off and I put in contacts. 

Naruto does as he's told.

I hear a knock on the door.

I did not think that far.

I open the door to see Itachi staring at me and Kisame behind him.

"Alexis, I think your forgot to disguise your chakra." Itachi says to me.

"Do over?" I ask.

Itachi sighs and nods. I close the door and I disguise my chakra as a normal persons and I transform into a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes in villager clothing. the contacts stay in.

I am an Uchiha -Naruto Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now