Chapter 11

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A few days later

Alexis's POV

I sit on the beach watching Kim, Jon, C, Darui, Ao, Chojuro, Logan, Akatsuchi, and Kurotsuchi play in the water.

I look at the Uchiha crest on my dark blue bikini top. 

I'm an Uchiha, yet, I feel like a normal ninja with out the stress of everything that gets placed on the head of a clan. I wonder why.

I hear a grin chuckle behind me and I get picked up bridal style, I see C holding me and I see everyone smirking.

"Put me down." I say to him.

C grins at me and run towards the water.

"No, C, put me down." I say to him.

C gets farther in the water and he drops me in the icy water.

I yelp at how cold it is and everyone laughs. The sand in the water squishes under my feet and the seaweed near me brushes past my leg as the current pulls it, the waves splash me above my waist, I'm only waist deep at the moment.

C slips in the water and yelps and grabs onto me as he falls and he drags me down with him. I yelp before I go under the water, I get up second later.

I see C still holding onto me and the worst part is, is that he's holding onto my boob, he squishes it and an immediate blush covers my face.

Logan laughs with Jon.

I punch C farther out. "GET SOME SHAME." I yell embarrassed.

Kurotsuchi and Kim shake their heads in disapproval. "No shame."

"An Uchiha can get embarrassed, who knew." Logan says with a grin.

"I'm sorry, it was unintended." C apologizes to me.

I splash him in the face with water and he spits it out.

"That's fair." C says to me the splashes me in the face.

I spit the water out and I smirk. "Are you challenging me?" I ask him.

"And if I am?" C asks.

"Uh oh, everyone get back." Darui and Logan say to the others.

I smirk an evil smirk at C and he does the same back to me.

"Challenge accepted." I say to C with a dignified and arrogant look.

I splash C and he splashes me back. Our splashes get bigger and bigger each time and soon enough my bangs cover my eyes and a splash hits me in face, knocking me on my butt.

I wave my hand up. "I surrender." I say while I move the bangs out of my face and slicking them back with the rest of my hair.

"Victory is mine." C says triumphantly.

I stand up and I hold my hand out for him to shake, C takes it and I flip him into the water.

"I had my fingers crossed, so I win." I say to him with a smirk.

"That's playing dirty." C says to me as he sits up.

"There were no rules, so I wasn't playing dirty." I say to him with a smirk.

"Alright everyone pay up." Logan says to the others.

I turn around to see all of them paying Logan.

"I can't believe I lost the bet." Kurotsuchi complains.

"I told you Alexis would win." Logan says with a smirk.

I am an Uchiha -Naruto Fan-FicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ