Chapter 21

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Alexis's POV

A few hours later

Me and Sora walk into the forest as I'm showing him the boundaries of Konoha.

I hear a laugh and I'm immediately on my guard as a guy with white hair comes into my line of sight. I silently take out two kunai and I hold them in one hand as I walk with Sora behind me.

"Ah, if it isn't The Myth and Sora." The guy says as he eats a sweet potato.

I look at him closely before I silently gasp and he nods to me. "I see, well then, Sora, come along, we've almost finished your tour of Konoha, we don't need to hang around scumbags like him." I say and Sora looks at me confused.

"You don't judge people I thought so why do you call him a scumbag?" Sora asks me.

"Because he did a horrible thing to his own child and he threatened Lord Third's life." I say and Kazuma smirks.

"So the smartest Uchiha in the world who doesn't like to choose, chose her village over her family." Kazuma says to me with a smirk. "And where did that lead you?" Kazuma asks me.

I bite my tongue. "Listen, those were orders given to MY brother, MY clan went the wrong way and directly did the opposite of what me and MY twin wanted, Lord Danzo gave those orders, you know nothing about the situation I've been in for years." I say walk over to him and he just smirks.

"Don't I?" Kazuma asks me.

I let out a shaky furious breath and I compose myself, I punch Kazuma in the face and he laughs from the ground. "Come on Sora and don't listen to him, those were my orders that I was given by Lord Third." I say and Sora just looks at me but follows.

How could Kazuma do that to Sora, that just makes me sick.

I finish showing Sora around and I leave him at the Hokage building. I walk back to my apartment.

"So, something tells me you've had an eventful week." Kakashi says as we walk.

I sigh. "You don't even know the half of it, now I understand why Lord Raikage is so grumpy all the time and then I found out earlier today that my two best friends are getting married and then I see someone I hoped I'd never see again and he just salted the wound." I say and Kakashi nods.

"I take it that you don't have time to help Naruto with his Wind Affinity?" Kakashi asks me.

"I will tomorrow, I'm taking the rest of the week off from missions." I say and Kakashi gives me a closed eyed smile.

"Good, Naruto will be happy to have someone with experience in Wind Chakra to help him." Kakashi says to me with a closed eyed smile.

I decide to take a walk instead of going back to my apartment so I switch to a different road and that makes Kakashi look at me confused.

"Where are you going?" Kakashi asks me.

"I'm just gonna walk around and clear my head, I've been to busy and being stressed takes years off your life." I say and Kakashi just nods with a closed eyed smiled and he turns down a different road.

I just walk as I sort everything out in my mind. I don't even realize people surrounding me. I push past them and they just scoff and grab my arm and throw me into the middle of their circle.

"Did you want something?" I ask as I stand up to look at the people surrounding me.

They smirk and try attacking me but I dodge.

"I see, your after the bounty on my head." I say and jump up, activating my Sharigan and they get caught in a Gen-Jutsu.

I land in front of them and I continue walking as I think.

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