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Inseparable (adj)
Always together at heart never to separate.

-Urban Dictionary


"What are you two doing?" Tae asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean, what's going on between the two of you."

"There is nothing going on between us." Yoongi says, annoyed with the two younger children.

"Let me explain it this way. You two used to hate each other. Then you were inseparable. And now, both of you are more closed off than before."


"That means something happened, hyung."

"I don't want to talk about this." Yoongi says as he starts to walk off but Tae grabs his hand before he gets too far.

"What do you need, Tae?"

"I need you two to get back together or start talking or something."

"Why? It's none of your business."

"Because the rest of us are worried sick about your wellbeings."


"Would you please just stop asking questions and make up already?" Tae yells, Yoongi and I both jumping at the sudden outburst.

"Fine. Jimin, would you like to come home with me one day so that we can settle our differences?" Yoongi asks very professionally.

"Whatever. Can I go to class now?" I ask, upset that I am expected to spend at least a few hours alone in the same house as Yoongi.

He's going to rip me to shreds.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Tae sits down at the table giggling as Jungkook sits down across from him and gives him a hard stare.

"What's gotten into you?" Yoongi grumbles.

"I am just so, so happy with my life right now." Tae sighs.

"And what is so perfect?" Jin asks, hungry for the special details

"I'm not allowed to say yet." He says, getting a blush when he makes eye contact with Jungkook who has his tongue pressed against his cheek and is staring at Tae as if to say, 'Tell them, and you will pay'.

And then it clicks. Tae was with Jungkook and now they're a couple and are going to get married and live in a nice-

"Jimin!" Charlotte yells and I reenter the world in which I am in hell.

"You keep zoning out. What do you even think about?" Namjoon asks.

"Depends on the situation."

"Okay, what we're you just thinking about?" Hoseok asks.

"I am not at liberty to say." I say with a smirk as I try not to glance at the couple.

"Can you at least give us an idea of what it was about?" Charlotte asks, a smirk taking over her face as she leans forward and rests her head in her hands.

"It was about a couple that has needed to happen for a while now." I say and Yoongi, Tae, and Jungkook all look up at me with wide eyes.

Hm, interesting reaction.

"Jimin, can I talk to you?" Tae asks as he stands up.

"Sure." I say, standing up to follow him out of the cafeteria. He leads me down the hallway and out of the doors to the courtyard.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

491 Words

A/N: Totally forgot to update. Sorry, please dont hate me. And I've decided that my next book to go up is gonna be a Sope fic. It's mostly gonna be in third person objective, maybe omniscient. Not sure yet because I only have four and a half chapters written and I don't even know where two of them go in the story sooo... I think it's gonna be a good book, though. The intro went up Sunday and if I feel nice, I might give a little teaser at the end of this book. But it will probably be up about a week after I finish Twink. Who even reads these anyways? Okay, this is getting long, bye guys! ❤

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