Pretend Perfection

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People, they scare me not because they're who they are but because no one says who they truly are when the night graces the sky and the world is still when everything is calm and quiet but their thoughts

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People, they scare me
not because they're who
they are but because
no one says who they
truly are when the night
graces the sky and
the world is still
when everything is calm
and quiet but their thoughts

And they're all pretending
living a life they don't want to
a smile plastered on their faces
snapped pictures of a version
of themselves they crave to be
and shared it to the world
silently hoping someone would
look into their eyes and
notice the tears that
haven't escaped their souls yet 

They're all the shades
of black and white
lying to themselves
that they're different
hues of different shades

And they're all wishing
upon the shooting star
singing out a lullaby
to themselves hoping
that someone out there
would hear them

People, they scare me
because deep inside
we all know that
we've all been
hurt, broken, and
completely shattered

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