The Destination

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→ might be triggering for some

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might be triggering for some

How do you expect me to feel when my heart's been stabbed at by so many that it's covered with scars-scars that are the reason why it's so hard.

It's so hard to imagine a feeling of blithe coursing through the same veins I've imagined stabbing myself into so that the blackness of my soul could be emptied into the tub.

The tub. I imagine it as my last flight as it descended me to the destination I've been longing desperately to reach for sometime now, longing to ache, longing to hurt more.

Longing. Longing for the blood to empty my flesh and leave the bones alone because flesh hurts when there's blood in it. Longing. A desire so melancholic it makes the tears from my eyes bleed until the salts remained on my face; a regret of the past.

The past I yearn to forget as I deepened the razor into my skin and watched the scarlets of my own lull me to sleep.

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