What do You Know

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The first time I saw youI'd never thought it'd be youWho'd flip my world aroundMaking my heart go safe and sound

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The first time I saw you
I'd never thought it'd be you
Who'd flip my world around
Making my heart go safe and sound.

What do you know about the way
You brighten up my sullen day
Just by throwing me a swift smile
That makes me forget all my worries for a long while?

What do you know about the way my heart aches
And the way my world breaks
Whenever I see you looking at her so longingly?
Wishing that it was me you looked at so fawningly.

If only you knew that it was me who loved you profoundly
Even after knowing all your flaws and all your mistakes soundly.

What do you know about the times
I've tried to forget the way my soul chimes
Each time you call my name
Somehow making my wild heart go tame
Hoping that you would notice the way I look
At you, reading you like a book?

What do you know about the way my eyes burn
Whenever I see tears filling yours and I yearn
To wipe the sadness away from them
And wanting to hurt the condemn
Longing for you to see that I would do
Anything in the world for you
If only you gave me the chance to.

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