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He's a puzzle for the world

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He's a puzzle
for the world

around the places
are his pieces
as he wishes
for someone
to discover them
and notice them
and bring him
back together
piece by piece
nourishing his soul
just because
they want to

Someone to crash
into his life
and stay there
creating a utopia
that they only
knew about

who chooses him
above everyone else
without any hesitation

who acepted
his flaws
and imperfections
and insecurities
and his vulnerabilities

all his life
people have only
left him
scarring his heart
and all he ever wanted is
someone who'd mark
their presence
in his heart
not scar it

all his life
he has only heard
the harsh goodbyes
and not the whispered promises
that lasted eternally

He's a puzzle
for the world

And all he wishes
is for someone
to discover
all of his pieces
no matter them
being sharp
and intense

And still
his existence
and turn him into
a meaning
for their own


Dedicated to Afrikkinosmhuman because you ARE a puzzle but I'm definitely making sure that I complete this puzzle (:

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