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I've been cherishing the wrong kinds aching for them the way my lungs ache for air yearning for them to touch me tenderly the way the cool air does to the leaves of the trees awaiting for their eyes to notice me and feel for me and long for me

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I've been cherishing
the wrong kinds
aching for them
the way my lungs
ache for air
yearning for them
to touch me tenderly
the way the cool air
does to the leaves
of the trees
awaiting for
their eyes
to notice me
and feel
for me and
long for me

and then
my soul gave up
on feeling

just when
you came
and I ignored
the cherishing
in your heart
for me
the pain
in your eyes
and the ache
of your soul
as it rusted away
and fell to the ground
as ashes

eternally ephemeral [ poetry & prose ]Where stories live. Discover now