chapter 54

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Where am i.

Lay came to and opened his dreary eyes to see the ceiling. It looked like the ceiling was moving at first until he realised it was infact him that was moving. His blurred vision started to focus a little bit better but the light was so harsh around him his eyes started to water. They were bloodshot as though he had been drugged heavily as he peered around and saw a red plastic protective mask covering the face of a woman beside him. His brain couldn't quite register what was going on as he tried to move but couldn't. He looked to his other side and saw another woman. They wore white and walked in unison step by step as they walked along side his moving body. He turned his head to the side to see bars beside him and he knew he was on some kind of bed or transportation table.

He managed to lift his head to see where he was going but saw another woman in white uniform ahead leading the way. The effort required to lift his head was too much for his exhausted body and semi conscious mind. His head dropped back down and his vision blurred again as he struggled to focus on the ceiling. His wrists and ankles were restrained and he felt as though he had died in his white clothing and this was the after life process, as he started to panic with quick breaths until they stopped short in the bright hall. They stood before a dead end as the women around him paused and stared at it for a moment until the lady in front placed her palm against the wall. A few moments passed until a small beeping sound occured and the wall opened a secret passageway. They continued to move again as they wheeled Lay in through the secret doorway. When they entered he noticed it was a small-ish room that looked sickeningly familiar. They spun his bed around slowly to back him up against the wall and as they did so he got a glimpse of the room around him. He first saw Xiumin and Kai. Looking freshly dressed and styled as they sat up in their beds staring straight ahead. Xiumin had a woman in the same white uniform and red mask beside him refilling his drip that was connected to his bloodstream via his arm. His light hair gelled against his pale skin and dark eyes and his skin almost looked frosty as it sparkled with a tint of blue. Beside him Kai sat, his bleached blonde hair was slicked back and the waterline of his eyes looked red raw while his soulless  black eyes contrasted deeply as he stared ahead at nothing. He looked as though he wasn't even there. He had a drip too.

They backed Lay into his section of the room and one of the women grabbed his arm to prepare it for the drip. He already had a bandage and plastic compartment placed in his arm for ease ready to accept the drip. They lifted the back of his bed up slightly for good blood flow circulation and he got a view of the others. There were mirrored windows around the whole room as though they were being watched. Sehun and Chanyeol were standing by one of the windows on a plastic mat as the odd women tested their body reflexes while jotting down notes. Sehun's hair looked fluffed and his eyes looked glassy while Chanyeol looked red and flushed in the face to match his red hair. A sweat droplet dripped down his sideburn as he stood allowing the nurses to examine him. Lay looked back over to the other side of the room where Suho was sitting with Chen. They were the only ones that seemed remotely awake as their eyes shifted around the room. Lay made eye contact with Suho as his deep red blood shot eyes connected across the room. He expected to feel a cry for help but instead only saw exhaustion. The fact they were all in here being tortured and tested on was kiling him because he was supposed to be the one to protect them. And Lay could see that from his unforgiving and self loathing eyes.

Suho's skin looked dewy and his eyes wet while Chen beside him had slightly static hair and goosebumps down his neck as his eyes shifted around the room nervously, unaware of what was going on.

Lay turned his head to the very back of the room opposite the entrance where D.O. sat with a dark look on his face. But he seemed pretty put together compared to the others. Sure his eyes were glassy and piercing but they always were. However Lay's eyes were quickly drawn to his hands on his lap that were shaking uncontrollably. This wasn't a nervous shake either, it was an energetic shake. He didn't seem to have the faintest clue of what was happening to him as he stared at the door without a slight sideways glance.

Next to him lay Baekhyun who was out cold with his eyes shut completely. His hair black as coal and his skin radiant and brighter than usual. They all wore white uniforms, like patients in a hospital with clear plastic lab coats on top. Every one of them had slick hair and complexion with their uniform done up perfectly. On each uniform turtleneck shirt was a name tag around the neck, only it had numbers instead of names. They were only products, disposable guinea pigs for their torturous games and experiments. They had no idea why they were here nor could they remember how they got here. But Lay knew something was up. The secretive passage way, the restraints, the drips. This didn't look like a normal procedure nor did it feel like one. He couldn't tell how long they had been here due to the zoning in and out of the drugs, but he knew he felt different. Something dark inside was brewing but it felt good at the same time.

His attention was turned back to D.O. who's whole body was trembling uncontrollably now in a fit. Two of the nurse-looking women were trying to restrain him by his arms but couldn't get him to stop so one of them placed a gas mask over his face and he eventually calmed and drifted into unsconsciousness.

That was the last thing Lay saw before his mind blacked out from the drug and left him in a vegetative state himself. He could still see everythinf around him but it was as if his mind was asleep, and he was woken some time later when he heard a huge shattering sound. His mind snapped to attention breaking through the drug barrier and saw the mirrored windows around him were all completely shattered and the glass scattered across the floor along with the nurses impaled bodies.

"What's going on? Where am i?" Baekhyun said as he woke from the effects of the drug. His hair now had sliver streaks in it as He looked over at D.O. who was staring at his fists restrained against the sides of his bed. His fists were still shaking a little but Sehun seemed to be the only one to witness what had happened as he came out from hiding behind Suho's bed.

"The whole room was shaking and then the windows just smashed into a million pieces." He said in shock as he stood there. All the boys looked at each other in confusion before Suho stood up from his bed when Sehun unhooked his restraints. Sirens sounded as red lights flashed around the room as a matter of emergency, no doubt alerting the prison security team.

"Run." He said before helping his other members free from their restraints too. They jumped through the broken  windows and headed out through interigation rooms and in different directions, splitting up to take advantage of the opportunity.

"Where the hell do we go now?" Chen yelled over the sirens to Sehun who was running beside him. They ran frantically down the halls with no idea as to where they were going.

"Anywhere but here!" Sehun yelled back as they breathed heavily.

"Wait wait wait." Chen stopped in exhaustion. The drugs were still in their system and they were all feel odd in different ways. He panted as he teied to catch his breath. Sehun stopped and looked back at him. "We cant just run. We need to think this out." He said breathlessly.

"Okay well we cant stop here. We need to keep moving." Sehun tried to get him to carry on but Chen was exhausted. He walked over to him and tried to put his arm over his shoulder before he got a static electric shock. "Ah! What the f-" sehun jumped. "You shocked me" he said as he placed him on his shoulder.

"Must be the uniform." Chen said. "My hair is so static." He said as he put some of his weight on the maknae to support him and keep him moving.

"Come on." Sehun said as he looked down the hall behind him checking for guards before turning and assisting Chen, moving forward slower than he had liked but at least they were moving. They had no idea where they were going but one thing was for sure. They couldn't stay here.

If gang pull up. (BTS, EXO, GOT7, MONSAX)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt