chapter 49

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Ty lee finally managed to get the sleep she had been longing for in one of the many bedrooms in the building. She was still confused as to where they were because she only ever teleported here. She hadn't even seen the outside of the building which was odd but she wasn't complaining as she stretched in the regal king sized bed.

"Knock knock" Jackson's head popped through the door. She opened her eyes sleepily to see him standing in a deep blue  floral shirt with a few buttons undone, complimenting his honey skin tone perfectly, with burnt orange sunglasses hanging behind his head from his ears. She found herelf smiling as she admired him with a delicate gold chain around his toned neck and shoulders, and resting just in between his defined collar bones. This made a change to the usual black dull clothing the gangs usually wear, and it was refreshing. She got summer feels just from looking at him. "It's almost nine." He said with a silly smile making her laugh. "Okay, i'll be up in a second." She said as she pulled the red velvet sheets off her body and lay there in laziness.

"Oh just meet us back in the ballroom." He said.

"What why?" She asked as she sat up.

"We need to go and get gear for the trip." He said.

"Gear? Trip?" She was even more confused now.

"Yeah, weapons and clothes for the rescue mission." He said as he tried to hurry the conversation along when he heard JB calling him down the hall. "Look just meet us downstairs in the ballroom in 10 minutes okay." He said with a quick smile before he shut the door again.

Ty lee sat in her bed and rubbed her eyes as she tried to work everything out in her tired mind. She groaned as she rolled out of bed and freshened herself up in the bathroom before heading downstairs to meet the others. BamBam Jackson and Youngjae waited at the centre of the ballroom.

"Come on we don't have long." BamBam said.

"Right." She said as she quickly stepped in the centre of the teleportation markings.

"Let's hope you have waterproof shoes." Youngjae said as they gathered round her.

"Wait what?" She said but it was too late.

They transported instantly to a rural area at a town centre. Ty lee screamed as she felt the cold water against her. They transported directly into a wish fountain as she looked down at the water surrounding her calves and the coins beneath her feet. She quickly jumped out of the pond, flicking water with each frantic step as the others laughed at her.

"These shoes may not look like much but they are my best shoes. I've had them for years and now look what you've done!" She screached.

"Calm down." Youngjae laughed. "They'll dry out." He looked down at her precious Dr Martens.

"They better! For all your sakes!" She spat as she pointed at them all.

"Oh shh your whining." BamBam said as they all stepped out of the fountain. "We have worse things to think about. Come on." He said as he walked passed her tapping her on the shoulder as he did so, while the others followed.

Every step she took she heard an infuriating squelch as the puddles inside her shoes splashed around under her. She followed BamBam up a highstreet into a charity shop. "Wassup Marie." Jackson said as he highfived the woman behind the counter as they walked passed. BamBam walked through the string curtains at the back of the shop into a small old fashioned industrial elevator. The elevator took them down to the floor below and had nothing but a bar across it to stop you falling. Underneath the store was an entire warehouse that ran under the whole high street.

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