Chapter 3

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The next morning she woke up at 5 am before even her father, and got dressed quickly for school, Packed her bag and ran downstairs to the kitchen quickly, trying to be as quiet as possible because she didn't want to see or even speak to her parents after yesterday. Her stomach grumbled loudly. She quickly grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard amd munched on it as she left the house.

It was icy cold this morning, the sun hadn't risen yet but the sky was getting lighter. Ty lee could see her breaths cloud infront or her. She wrapped her scarf atound her neck and face to protect herself from the cold. She speed walked to school trying to warm herself up but nothing could stop the icy draft blowing up her skirt. She rubbed her hands together before folding her arms around her body to warm her hands up. She finally got to school when the sun was rising. It was 6:30  am, lessons were going to start at . The courtyard was empty and the floor was slippery with ice, but as the sun rose, the light reflected off the icy floor making it glisten like glitter. She walked quickly to the school building entrance and as she placed her hand on the door she heard a noise. It sounded as if someone was struggling. She turned her head to the direction of the sound and stared for a moment. She then slowly walked towards it, creeping towards the edge of the building. Round the corner of the building was a small allyway that ran between the school fence and the building. She could hear the noises getting louder until it was clear it was two voices. She got to the edge of the building and stood ther for a minute trying to listen.

"Listen you little prick you're going to give me what i asked for" said a voice "If i dont get paid know what my boys will do to you." He spat.

"You'll get you money" another voice shouted back angrily. "I just need a little more time.

"We dont have time dont you get it?" The other voice retaliated and there was sounds of more struggle. The voices were unbelievably familiar to her but she couldn't quite pinpoint them. Ty lee gulped loudly and held her breath before peeking around the corner. She saw two silhouettes, one was holding the other against the wall by his collar. "The war is coming. It's only a matter of time. Don't you see, we'll all be dead." He shouted and his familiar voice echoed through the icy air, scaring a few birds. She squinted hard to see who it was and the sun lit up thir faces at that exact moment, making their idenities clear. Ty lee gasped loudly and the boys both turned to look in her dirctiom. She quickly hid back behind the wall. Am i seeing things? I must be imagining this. This is a dream. Because what she saw as her long time crush Taehyung holding her brother Changkyun by the collar. She heard footsteps coming towards her so she ran quickly. Her scarf remained over her face so they never saw who she was. She ran into the building and down the hall. She legged it up the stairs to the top floor of the library and found a seat at the very back, hidden well. She gasped for breaths as she pulled her scarf off. Her heart was beating a hundred miles a minute. The librarian was looking at her oddly so Ty lee quickly pulled out some books to make it appear as if she was working. But her mind would never focus on her work. She couldnt even read her vision was so blurred with adrenalin. Her heart stopped when she saw Taehyung enter the library . She panicked and quickly stuffed the scarf into her bag and pretended to work. The library as pretty empty with only 2 other people that she could see. He scanned the room by the door before walking in slowly and carefully. He chose a table to sit at and pulled out his phone and earphomes. He sat slumped in his chair on his phone watching vieoes.

Although she had just seen him threatening her brother, she still couldn't deny how stunning he was. She felt her eyes searching him, watching every slight muscle bulge against the tight parts of his shirt, the way his earing hung from his ear and matched his hair colour. And how his side profile was the most perfect thing she had ever seen. She shook her head aggressiely to try and snap herself out of it. He was the enemy now. Whats wrong with me, she sighed to herself before standing her book up in front of her to block her view. She checked her phone for the time to see when Suju and tamara will be there so she could tell them what she saw but she still had an hour to go. Impatiently she waited. Biting and tapping her pen on the table while her leg shook at a rapid speed. Taehyung looked over at her a few times. "Can you cut it out!" He yelled finally, making Ty lee jump out of her skin and her book fall to the table making a loud noise. She went bright red as everyone in the library turned to look. There was a lot more people now than there was when she first walked in. Her eyes then met Taehyung's again and he was looking straight at her.

If gang pull up. (BTS, EXO, GOT7, MONSAX)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora