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"So, we know he always waits for someone outside the school building at break and lunch. So we'll see who he meets and follow where they go" Suju explained as she briefed her friends while they made their way to the court yard at break.

"It's such a bummer he's older because if he were in our classes we could follow him even closer." Tamara said.

"Who's the stalker now." Suju replied. They entered the courtyard and sure enough he was already waiting. Looking as fly as ever. The girls walked passed slowly and picked the nearest bench available to keep an eye on him. His eyes glanced over in their direction a few times where they had to act cool, and within about 10 minutes another guy appeared.

"Wait who's that?" Ty lee whispered as she pointed at the boy. He walked over to Taehyung and they grabbed each others arms in a bro hand shake. He had brown hair in a styled bowl haircut with a rough split in his fringe. He held his blazer over his shoulder with his shirt untucked. Better yet his tie was wrapped around his neck like a choker outlining his jawline and collar bones. He wore white sneakers with his black uniform trousers. His face had very small, bunny-like features as his eyes were large and his lips were small and cute. He was oddly attractive, with his arm muscles tight against his shirt sleeves. A creative mixture of cute and sexy.

"Oh my, it's Jungkook." Tamara said.

"Who?" Suju and Ty lee said at once.

"Guys, he's been in all three of our science classes this year." Tamara tried to get them to remember.

"I definitely would've remembered someone that hot." Suju said as she picked at her pasta thinking about how her friend must have been mistaken.

"No, i'm telling you. Look at his face. He used to look like the biggest nerd going until recently. Some girls say he has a phobia of talking to females, so maybe thats why you don't remember him." Tamara tried to reasure them it was him.

"If you say so." Ty lee said whilst raising her eyebrows in disbelief. "But how are they friends... And what are they are up to... That is what i'm interested in." She said as Jungkook stood for a moment before walking off with Taehyung to behind the school building. They looked around to check if anyone was looking before disapearing.

"Come on!" Suju said as she jumped out of her seat eagerly and followed them. They stood in a line against the wall by the corner of the building as they tried to eaves drop. They heard laughter and grime music playing, as the two boys whispered about something. Suju tried to peak before Ty lee stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Are you sure thats a good idea?" She asked hesitantly. Suju gave her a very confused and frustrated look. "It's just he caught me looking before..."

"Yes im sure. You dont get anywhere in life unless you take a few risks." Suju snatched her arm back before continuing her investigating. She peeped with one eye first, worried of what she might find. She saw them sitting down in the ally against the walls, with a portable speaker playing their music and McDonalds takeaway bags. She noticed something in their hands. She squinted to see closer and when she realized what it was She rolled her eyes and turned to Ty lee.

"What is it?" Ty lee asked eagerly.

"They're trading." Suju said bluntly with her arms crossed.

"Trading what? Drugs? Alcohol?" Ty lee asked for more detail.

"Pokemon cards." She replied in the same unimpressed tone. Tamara burst out laughing.

"Well that explains so much." Tamara said still huffing from laughing. "It explains the war, the fact changkyun owed him something, and the secretiveness about it. He's innocent after all. I knew my baby was innocent." Tamara said.

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