Chapter 31

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Weeks passed as Shownu trained Ty lee to master weaponry properly. At this point she knew more about guns and ammunition than she needed to, her self defense, confidence and accuracy started to take shape as she perfected moves one after the other. Shownu was blown away by how quickly she was learning, and so were the other members. She was becoming more and more a member as each day went on.

She had gotten to know Bangtan a bit better too as she started to see them more with Taehyung. They were slowly warming to her, finally accepting that she was now a part of the family as Taehyung's girlfriend. She started to see personalities form and saw how the group worked together like the 7 deadly sins.

"Where are we going?" She called as Shownu lead her by the arm down a dark allyway. He was pacing quite quickly trying to avoid rioters at all cost when the allyway came to an end and joined into a high street market. There were so many people, there was music playing from multiple different stalls and the sound of salesmen trying to flog their stuff. They nearly walked into a woman on a bike as they walked out into the street. To avoid the oncoming traffic of people Shownu grabbed her arm again and pulled her to the side pavement behind the stalls and pulled her quickly as he sped down the street.
"Shownu wait." Ty lee said as she struggled to keep up. Before she could say anything else he turned into an old quiet antique shop. There was not a single customer inside. Ty lee stared at all the cobwebbed antiques on the shelves and grimaced. She thought Shownu must've lost the plot completely.

He walked to the old wooden counter at the back of the shop where and old fragile lady sat. She smiled when she saw his face. "Ah Shownu." She said as she stood up to greet him. Shownu actually smiled for once as he greeted the old lady.

"How have you been Dora?" He grinned as he held her shoulders.

"Well my back went again, i'm going in for surgery on thursday. But you know me, still getting on with things." She smiled a gummy smile and she waddled when she walked with aching bones. "And who's this?" She peered over at Ty lee standing behind him. "In all my years, i never thought i'd see you with a girl here."she smiled as she met her eyes.

"What? No. It's not like that." Ty lee said as she shook her hands.

"Don't be like that baby." He winked at Ty lee and laughed. "You're such a tease." Shownu turned to Dora. "This is Ty lee." He said.

"So are you here for business or pleasure?" She asked, still confused as to why there was a girl there.

"Actually, business Dora." He replied. She looked at him oddly.

"For the girl?" She asked. Ty lee looked between them in confusion.


"You're expanding again?" Dora said with a surprised face.

"Not exactly. She's helping us out. She's Changkyun's sister." He explained. The womans face sunk.

"Ah shownu-ah." She shook her head. "You should not be involving young girls in your business." She said.

"She volunteered." He said. She looked over his shoulder at Ty lee. Ty lee stood there with an awkward nervous smile on her face.

"I guess if she agreed." The woman said in a disapointed tone. "I just hope she truly wants this and wasn't pressured."

"Look she's just going undercover for a quick job. Once she's done she'll go back to her normal boring life." He said. "I promise." He said with his hand on his heart. The woman looked between the two of them.

If gang pull up. (BTS, EXO, GOT7, MONSAX)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora