Riker Imagine (Kiss Cam)

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"This is so cool," you say excitingly as you and Riker take your seats in the hockey arena. He giggles at how jumpy you are.

"You’re so cute," he says and puts one arm around you, squeezing you tightly. "I’m really sorry I have to go out like this, I wish it didn’t have to be this way."

He had a hoodie on with the hood pulled over his head. He was wearing sunglasses as well, but it works because wearing sunglasses inside was a normal thing for him. He had no choice but to go out like this, ever since R5  made their way to the top the fans and papparazzi have gone insane. Following him everywhere, taking pictures, giving him no privacy whatsoever. The tabloids would go nuts if they had pictures of Riker and his “top secret girlfriend”. It’s not that he doesn’t want everyone to know, but he keeps it a secret for your sake. It’s completely unfair that it has to be that way but a disguised date is better than no date, right?

"It’s okay," you say turning to him, "but I think one more thing needs to be done to complete the disguise." He tilts his head confusingly at you and you take one of the hoodie strings in each hand and pull them tightly, making the hood almost cover his entire face.

You start to laugh and he loosens the hood again. “Ha ha ha,” he says sarcastically and then laughs along with you. And that’s when the game starts.

In the middle of the game it’s tied and the employees start smoothing out the ice. You both look up to the jumbo screen and see that the kiss cam is on.

"Crap, Riker what about the kiss cam?" you say and he starts to look kind of nervous.

"Oh man," he says, trying to hide himself even further, "I completely forgot about that."

"I’m sure it will be fine," you say reassuring him, but mostly reassuring yourself, "what are the odds that it would land on us out of all these people?"

As soon as you said that to him you hear the announcer call over the arena, “Woah! Do I spy a celebrity in the crowd tonight?”

You and Riker look at eachother quickly in a panic and start to desperately shake your heads no. Despite your efforts the entire crowd is now chanting “KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!” over and over again. You have a feeling that the whole crowd is now convinced that it is Riker sitting there and the pressure is weighing down very heavily.

After a few more seconds a rush comes over you and you mumble, “Eh, what the heck,” and that’s when you take his hood off and place a kiss on his mouth. The whole crowd gasps and cheers and after he gets over the initial shock Riker quickly kisses back. He takes his sunglasses off and you both finally pull away after a few moments. The kiss cam is cute but I don’t think a bunch of fans would enjoy Riker making out with his girlfriend for 10 minutes on TV. 

The camera finally moves away from you two and Riker leans toward you so you can hear him over the crowd. “I hope you know what you just got yourself into.” he says and you nod.

"I know," you reply confidently, "but it’s all worth it for you." He smiles and pulls you closer to him as he presses his lips to the top of your head. And with that you enjoy the rest of the game, not even thinking about what the aftermath of this whole date will be like.

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