Ross Imagine

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"I'm not missing this concert no freaking way!" you softly yell to your friend. Key word: Softly.

"Y/N you have laryngitis, you can barely speak how on earth are you going to handle a 3-4 hour concert?" she retorts back, causing you to roll your eyes.

"I don't know but I'll do it for R5. I'm gonna get some sleep, see you tomorrow for the big day!" you say and hang up the phone before she could protest anymore.

You get ready for bed and get tucked into the comfy bed and before falling into a deep sleep you mutter to yourself, "Laryngitis, you will not ruin this day for me."

The next morning you wake up and begin to get ready for what will be the best day of your life. Not only are you seeing your favorite band live, but you also have VIP which means you actually get to talk to the love of your life, Ross.

"Honey," your mom says as she walks into your room, "are you positive you are well enough to go today?"

"Yes, mom. I've been looking forward to this for months now, I would be going if I was on my death bed." you say and continue doing your hair.

"Okay, but when you come home sicker than you are now I am gonna say I told you so," she says and slowly walks out of your room.

You roll your eyes and finish getting ready, and soon enough you get a text from your friend.

Hey girl, I'm here. Get your sick butt out here so we aren't late!

You laugh and grab everything you need and head out to her car, getting more excited as time goes on and 30 minutes and an R5 soundtrack later you are there.

"Okay I want you to have fun but if you get the babes sick I will literally kill you," your friend says, playfully pushing you.

"Alright then I will just get you sick then, is that better?" you retort, causing her to roll her eyes at you.

The VIP line was long but you stayed entertained by hearing your friend talking her mouth off. You were trying to save your voice so that it isn't all squeaky when you meet them. About 45 minutes later you are the next person up and, even though a million girls say this, you and Ross have made quite a bit of intense eye contact already. You try not to think to much of it but you can't help it, a girl can dream, right?

"Next!" you hear Mark yell and you go up to them, getting engulfed in a huge group hug.

"Hey guys," you say to them as casually as possible, but you can still tell you are sick.

"Uh oh, you sound like you're losing your voice a bit," Riker says and you giggle.

"Yeah kinda, but I wasn't going to miss this show for the world," you say back, earning "awee's" from all of them.

"Well I hope you feel better soon..." Rydel says, waiting for your name.

"Y/N," you answer, "and thanks, I sure hope so too." you finish with a chuckle and pose to take the picture with them.

"Well Y/N if you aren't doing anything after the show I'd love to take you to Starbucks and treat you to a nice drink to soothe your throat," you hear Ross say after the picture and quite frankly in that moment you could have sworn your heart stopped beating.

"Yeah, that would be great," you say, not being able to contain your smile.

Ross apparently notices your uncontrollable smiling and giggles as he pulls you into a final hug, "awe you're cute." All you can do is smile back as the staff was rushing you away.

-Blah blah after the show -

"Now how in the world are you going to find Ross? He could literally be anywhere." your friend says as you two follow the small crowd of people around the building.

"I don't know, in case you haven't noticed I've kind of been winging it all night, I have no sense of logic right now," you say, looking to see where everyone was heading to.

A few more steps and you spot their tour bus, which explains the group of teenage girls surrounding it.

"Really? Are we really going to be 'those fans'?" you squeak out to your friend and she just stands there and nods.

"Maybe Ross will find you here," she says wiggling her eyebrows and giving you a smirk.

"Yeah righ-," you say to her before you feel yourself being pulled by a security guard.

"Hey! Watch it! is that how you treat a lady?" you state to him as sternly as possible with your weak voice before seeing a familiar mop of blonde hair.

You look up at the security guard, "You know I was a bit harsh, you're actually a lovely person. Keep it up," you say quickly before walking up to Ross who appears to be standing by a car.

"To Starbucks?" he says holding his hand out and helping you get in the car. You just giggle and go along with it, watching him walk around the car and get in.

The entire night went great and, as horrible as your voice sounded, you and Ross had the best time sitting and having Starbucks together. He even dropped you off and left you with a kiss on the cheek that basically changed your entire life. You do admit that you feel a little bit worse than before but it was so worth it.

-3 Days Later-

@RossR5 Doctor says I have laryngitis now, thanks Y/N ;) #NoRegrets

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