Ross Imagine

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"Ross Shor if you leave me alone at ANY point during our time her I swear I will break up with you." You say grabbing Ross’ arm for dear life. He took you ice skating and let’s just say you are not the best at it.

"Babe, do I look like I want to leave you alone?" he asks with a smirk, "because let’s be honest I am really enjoying you being all over me like this." You roll your eyes at him as you walk closer to the ice. 

"Ross Ross ohmygod I can’t do this, it’s to stressful," you panic, closing your eyes.

"Y/N, we aren’t even on the ice yet. Also, closing your eyes probably isn’t a good idea considering your a first timer." Ross jokes trying to lighten the mood. 

You open your eyes and look at the concrete below you, a few feet away from the ice. “Oh,” you say in realization. Ross laughs and you playfully hit him on the shoulder. “Not funny!” you say sternly.

"Listen," Ross says turning you so you are facing him, "I promise you will be okay. I will be holding onto you the whole time, I would never let anything happen to you, got it?" A slight smile comes to your face and you nod.

"Got it," you say quietly as he places a kiss on your forehead. Grabbing onto your arm tightly, he starts leading you to the ice. When you get to the edge of the ice he goes first and grabs you securely by the waist as you cautiously step onto the ice.

"Okay, now we are going to walk around the edge of the rink for a while so you can get a feel for the ice," He says looking at you for approval. When you nod and take a deep breath you start moving forward.

After a few minutes of walking around on the ice you feel ready to start skating. Well, as ready as you will ever be. Before you started, Ross said it was basically like roller skating, so you start to move slowly as if you were on roller skates. 

"I think I am sort of getting it," you say proudly. Unfortunately you spoke too soon and you find yourself falling onto the ice. Before you could hit the ground you feel a pair of hands catch you and lift you back up into standing position.

"Oh yeah, nailed it," Ross says playfully and you shoot him a glare.

"Pfft," you say nonchalantly, "that was just a test to make sure you would protect me." Ross gives you a look and you look back at him, "Congratulations you passed!" You both laugh and continue on your skating adventure.

After a while of slow skating you are used to it and you seem to be a natural. By now Ross has let go of your waist and you guys are holding hands and skating around the rink. 

"See," Ross says encouragingly, "I told you that you would be fine, you are a natural." You shrug and a smirk appears on your face.

"I guess I am pretty good at it," you reply with a fake conceded attitude. "Maybe even better than you," you say to Ross, knowing he is pretty competitive.

"Oh really?" he says with raised eyebrows, "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is," you answer and he stops and turns to face you.

"Okay then, I challenge you to a race around the rink," he says, his hands on his hips now. "Loser buys hot chocolate after we’re done." He holds out his hand and you shake it.

"Deal." you say and you both get into position. "Ready," you start.

"Set," Ross adds.

"GO!" both of you say at the same time and you are off.

Ross starts off in the lead but once you get going it is neck and neck. The finish line is now in sight and you both struggle to go faster. You take the lead when a little boy skates in front of Ross, causing him to stop. You look behind you at him as you cross the “finish line” and he has a look of disbelief on his face.

Ross skates around the boy and makes it to the finish line. “Okay, THAT was completely unfair.” he says whining. 

"Doesn’t matter," you laugh, "a deal is a deal, you shook on it." He gives you a playful glare and then lets out a loud sigh.

"Fine," he says in defeat, "let’s go get you some hot chocolate." He grabs your hand and interlocks his fingers with yours as you two head off of the ice.

Once the ice skates are off you and Ross walk up to the cafe down the street from the rink. You walk inside and sit down while Ross buys the hot chocolate. He walks back over to you with the steaming cup and puts it on the table in front of you.

"One hot chocolate for one hot girl," he says with a wink. You can’t help but blush as you roll your eyes at him for about the hundredth time today.

"Thank you," you say and you guys drink the hot chocolate in comfortable silence.

"Hey look," you say as you notice a magazine on the coffee table next to you. On the cover it is a picture of Ross with his arms around you as you ice skate. The caption with it says, "Sorry, ladies. Looks like hottie Ross Lynch is taken! Read more on pg. 43"

"Wow," he says with big eyes, "they sure do move quickly." 

"Not as quickly as me during that race though," you say teasingly. He childishly sticks his tongue out at you and you do the same back, causing you both to break out in a fit of laughter.

"You are never going to let me live it down, are you?" he asks.

"Nope," you say with an innocent smile. And you continue drinking your hot chocolate, enjoying each others company for the rest of the night.

-Madz <3

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