"She said she's not (Y/N) already so stop it", Hyunjin pushed Seungmin away from me.


I took Seungmin to a more discrete location because I had something to tell him. Hyunjin just invited himself as I was walking away with Seungmin.

I actually have something to say...

"I am (Y/N), I want to stop pretending... that whole fight felt like a wake-up call to me, I am (Y/N)... I feel like I lost myself when I took the place of my sister", I quietly admitted to Seungmin and Hyunjin.

Without warning, Seungmin hugged me tightly and started to cry again. After what felt like hours of crying Seungmin and I both stopped crying and started to smile, I felt extremely guilty for leaving this ball of sunshine behind. 

"When did you come back?", he asked me nervously.

"This morning"

"Why did you leave me and not contact me?", I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I promise I will explain it all", I stuck out my pinky finger to symbolise me promising. 

"You need to do some explaining to me too!", Hyunjin told me. 


Hyunjin drove up to the nearest cafe and we were definitely the centre of attention as Hyunjins car is super expensive. We were also the centre of attention inside the cafe as the two boys sat in front of me bombarding me with questions. 

"Why did you leave me! I need some answers", Seungmin asked.

"Ok, my answer would probably answer all of your questions at once! I left so suddenly because after the day I got fish sauce dumped on me I was forced to transfer school because of her the principle's daughter... That's why I left early that day, when I got the orphanage there were men waiting to see me and when they got the chance to talk to me they told me my identical twin sister passed away.", I slowly started to explain.

Both Seungmin and Hyunjin nod showing they understand but I could see the uneasy face that Hyunjin was making after I told him about my sister... maybe he really did like her.

"They told me about how Mr and Mrs Jeon wanted to find me and adopt me to replace my sister. They asked for me to act like my sister and replace her in every way because they were grieving. I decided to take their offer and I acted like there daughter... That's why I left so suddenly because I was forced to go to Seoul. I took this opportunity to restart my life, not as the weak bullied girl but the tough one...", I sighed as I finished my story.

Hyunjin kept silent.

"I know it wasn't right of me to lead you on Hyunjin nor was it right for me to look through my sisters phone but in the memos it said 'date hyunjin for money'...", I felt bad for telling him the truth but I also didn't want him to be caught in her mistake and her greed. 

 "What about the orphanage?", Hyunjin suddenly asked.

"You heard what the principle's daughter said... My sister and I were abandoned when we were kids. I don't know what happened to my parents because the person who took us in passed away before I could ask...", I replied. 

Hyunjin's face dims a little bit because he felt sad for me. 

"Don't look so down, I'm happy right now", I told Hyunjin.

"Who this kid?", Seungmin asked shooting daggers at Hyunjin and Hyunjins shot them back neither of them looked like they were going to back down.

"Who is this kid as well (Y/S/N) and who are you?", Hyunjin asked. 

"Well (Y/S/N) is my sister's name I'm (Y/N)", I replied.

"Sungmin's my one and only friend from here... It's the truth he was the only one that was by my side when those girls bullied me. I feel guilty because of me I damaged Seungmins popularity in school..."

"No you didn't don't be silly", Seungmin smiled.

 "I know it's a lot to take in and I'm sorry I should have told you the first time I met you but I didn't realise you will become my friend... I was kind of meant to play the bad bitch"

"I should of know when you loved to eat seafood, (Y/S/N) absolutely hated seafood and 'Poor food' but that's all you ate like the food court... not it all makes sense", Hyunjin pieced together. 

"To be honest I don't know what my sister is like or who she was because we were separated at such an early age."

Hyunjins POV

So it's (Y/N) that I really like...

Seungmin's POV

Shes finally back... the love of my life...

Split Love- Hwang Hyunjin & Kim Seungmin X Reader CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now